Is it worth going to Vienna?


To visit Vienna - one of the most beautiful metropolitan cities of the old Europe, of course. Vienna immediately, at the subconscious level is perceived as something native and familiar. The stunning architecture of buildings, which preserved the spirit of the heyday of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the entire size of the life of the capital, magnificent theaters, many museums and exhibitions every year attract an increasing number of tourists, in the motley crowd of which, not for the first time we were.

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Passing through the streets of this ancient and ever-a young city, admiring the perfect and sophistication of the facades of the buildings of the end of the century - the beginning of the twentieth century, causing themselves to think about how much streets and architectural solutions are similar to the St. Petersburg city landscape, there is a lot of common with fragmen of the buildings and streets of Kiev And, of course, Lviv. Therefore, having arrived vein you do not feel someone else's in this environment, but as it may be part of it.

In Vienna, it is best to stay at the museum quarter, for example, at the hotel "25 hours". The hotel has only been put into operation, has a magnificent modern design, fully glass walls, comfortable beds, free internet and many other little things, so necessary to tourists.

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The advantage of this hotel is that it is right in the center, has parking for cars, nearby public transport stops.

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This is very important, because Now in Vienna, parking is paid everywhere. You can pay parking by calling for free on a mobile phone (you have to pay only for roaming) or buy, for example, in a tobacco shop special coupons, which then need to fill on your own by hand. These coupons, depending on the color, allow you to park for 30 or 60 minutes. There are free coupons for parking for 15 minutes. Fill and put under the glass at once two coupons are prohibited, i.e. You can put them, but the checking will write a trip at the same time. It is caused by this measure by the fact that the city is simply scored by cars.

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For a long time, the car can be left in P + R parking at the entrance to Vienna or in an underground garage, which is enough throughout the city. The fee for 1 hour parking is 3 euros.

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For most streets, the speed is limited to 30 km / h, by the rest - 50 km / h. Also, a special bar for cyclists is highlighted on the roadway. Therefore, you need to be very attentive, driving intersection, because Cyclists are often rudely violate the rules of the road.

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I do not think that Vienna is the most suitable place to stay with children. After all, the main program of visiting the Austrian capital is to inspect the sights, visiting exhibitions and museums, theaters that hardly it will be interesting to children under 12 years old.

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The only thing that they could have entertained is a kind of exotic attraction, consisting of a trip in the center of the city in a carriage or a bicker, harboring with horses and with a real kutcher on goats, dressed in a national costume.

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Regarding nutrition - no problems arise. After a sufficiently dense and delicious breakfast at the hotel, lying through the streets, you can look at any cafe or restaurant, prices in which are quite low, compared with France or Germany. To visit Vienna and not to bite the classic Vienna Schnitzel, somehow not seriously.

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There are many grocery supermarkets in the city center, so you can always buy something to reinforce on the road.

Is it worth going to Vienna? 9708_10

In many diverse boutiques representing, almost all top world brands, you can buy almost everything that the soul wishes. This also applies to clothing, and traditionally high quality shoes from genuine leather.

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In recent years, Vienna has changed very much, a lot of new buildings are built.

Is it worth going to Vienna? 9708_12

Vastered at times of tourists who move along the streets in large groups. Streets filled out numerous foreigners, which is unknown from where suddenly appear with your back and whisper that they are hungry and they need money.

Is it worth going to Vienna? 9708_13

The tactics chosen by them in many cases turns out to be successful: a confused person is ready to suck a couple of euros to be behind. But it turns out to be an erroneous line of behavior. For, after 10-15 meters, the next beggar is suitable for a kindest tourist. It is best to not pay attention to them and demonstratively move to the other side, in no case by entering into a conversation, only then they will not spend their "precious" time on you. It seems that they "work" by brigades. However, it can be said that a traditionally calm business atmosphere reigns in the city, for which we have already missed Kiev.

Is it worth going to Vienna? 9708_14

In general, we are very pleased that they again visited this European capital, famous for their sophisticated architecture, parks and a friendly benevolent attitude towards tourists.

Is it worth going to Vienna? 9708_15

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