Svetlogorsk: Tale from the Baltic Sea


If in one word to describe the impressions of Svetlogorsk, then the definition of "fabulous" is best. This is really an unusual town. Special color is created by the coastal streets of the city and its architecture - cozy, who have come from the pages of European fairy tales and scattered in the forest houses. Well, of course, nature and the sea ...

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Yes, of course, the Baltic Sea Coast is not hot beaches of Crimea, Turkey or Mediterranean. The swimming season is very short here and, I must say that for sophisticated southern resorts, thermal-loving holidaymakers may seem quite extreme. But there is another beauty here - an extraordinary attractiveness, beauty, power of the North Sea, picturesque nature and a special atmosphere of a town with a German history.

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In Svetlogorsk, a very beautiful embankment and wonderful beaches with small sand. A lot of cozy towns - gazebos, shops overlooking the sea. There is a descent to the beach along the cable car.

On the embankment, in the shops, just in tents on the streets you can see and buy traditional Svetlogorsk souvenirs, "business cards" of the resort - all sorts of products from amber. By the way, after the storm pebbles amber can be found directly on the beach.

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In Svetlogorsk, I happened to visit twice - in April and June. Summer resort, of course, more friendly. The weather allowed to soak on the beach under the Baltic Sun, but they still did not dare to plunge into the cool sea.

There are no problems with the help of housing - a lot of offers: from hotels and recreation centers to private cottages. Mass of establishments where you can eat delicious - from inexpensive pancakes and pizzerias to fashionable restaurants.

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Very interesting place is the "house of fairy tales", which is associated with the work and the life of the German writer of Hoffman. The children stayed delighted with sculptures and a fabulous town - the layout of the old Königsberg, with houses, towers, bridges and channels.

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A lot of impressions leave even a common walk along the coastal Svetlogorsk: Street Trade, Exhibitions and Sales of Amber Products, improvised performances of bards and youth groups. I remember the master glassweller, who in front of the public created his fragile masterpieces.

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As for me, the best time to visit Svetlogorsk is July-September. At this time, you can fully enjoy all the delights of this town - and sea and excursion. A wonderful place for a romantic, relaxing holiday.

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