How to get to Halong?


The Cay Chalongeners of Vietnam is called the eighth miracle of the world, and there is practically no exaggeration in this, because the place is very beautiful and picturesque, and as a result of this, a huge number of travelers arrive here every year. And if for organized tourists, the transfer issues are not burning, as the agency makes everything for them, then for those who travel themselves, information about how to get to Halong will not be superfluous.

How to get to Halong? 9701_1

The most optimal option for traveling to Halong is a bus service. In particular from Hanoi, from which the Halong is only 170 kilometers.

Hanoi - Halong buses exist two types. The first, these are tourist, as a rule, these are small minibuses, tickets for which you can purchase in travel agencies, which the great set in the main tourist area of ​​the Vietnamese capital is the old town. These buses are sent all from the same tourist area, which is very convenient for those who live nearby. The cost of a ticket for 2012 began from 9-10 dollars (depending on the comfort of the bus), and the time on the way rarely exceeds 3 hours. In addition, there are also a multimodal ticket in the tourist offices, which includes a bus transfer to Chalong and a boat ticket to Cat Ba Island, which is located the main spa area of ​​the bay. In this case, the cost of the ticket will be 12-13 US dollars.

How to get to Halong? 9701_2

Second type of buses, these are regular intercity. Less preferred, as they make a lot of stops on the route, slow (4-5 hours), and less comfortable. But but the ticket for them costs only 2.5 dollars.

Intercity buses from bus stations are poisoned: Gia Lam, Kim Ma, Long Bien and My Dinh. In Halong, all buses arrive at Bai Chai bus station. Hanoi buses - Halong walks a lot, so there will be no problems with tickets.

How to get to Halong? 9701_3

A few years ago, from Hanoi in Halong could be reached by rail, but in view of the very low profitability of this route, the government of the country decided to close this flight. However, those who want to familiarize themselves with all the flavor of the Vietnamese railway transport from Hanoi to Halonga, you can try to make it a composite route. From the main railway station, Hanoi daily leaves 4 trains to the city of Hayphonge, which is the most nearby settlement for Halong. Tickets to purchase for the train in advance does not make sense, they always have in the presence, as trains in Highifong, rarely when filled by more than two thirds. Time on the way 2 hours.

From Hafong directly to Halong or Cat Ba Islands can be reached by ferry or boat (A la Soviet "rocket"). The price of a ticket for water vehicles begins from 7 dollars.

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