Holidays in Mogilev: Where to stay better?


Mogilev in principle is a fairly compact city, and all its main attractions are concentrated in relative proximity to each other. True, with the exception of the buinje field, which is located outside the city, in a pair of kilometers to the side of Bobruisk. There, on the territory of the complex "Ethnographic village" there is also its own hotel "Korchma" decorated in the style of the 19th century estate and designed for coming tourists.

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Each of the 11 hotel rooms is individually decorated and furnished with wooden furniture of Belarusian production. However, the exact cost of the room is difficult - you need to specify in advance by phone +375222471100, since the price varies depending on the season and other circumstances. The place is really very attractive - around the houses with artisans, well-groomed territory, for the fence - Mogilev Zoo, and on the contrary - the riotanic field. The only thing that can embarrass is quite a lot of distance from the city center (15-20 minutes on a bus or half an hour by bus that goes quite rarely), as well as the lack of shops and other entertainment around. Although if you travel by car, it may not be a problem. But still.

If you want to be "in the thick of events" and stay in a lively place, you should look after one of the hotels located directly in the city center. So, right in the historic center, opposite the Mogilev Dramatic Theater, quite recently opened a fashionable spa hotel "Metropol" offering its guests gorgeous rooms equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. In addition, as it is clear from the name, the hotel has an excellent spa complex with a swimming pool, a Turkish bath and a Finnish sauna, as well as a bar in which you can drink a pair of soft cocktails. True, for the European service will have to pay the corresponding - the cost of the double room with the included breakfast per day is fluctuated from 70 to 90 dollars per room "Standard" or "Comfort" category up to 140 - 200 dollars per suite.

A little further from the dramaater, about 10 minutes walk through Lazarenko Street, you can find a small but cozy hotel "Kim" . Despite the fact that the rooms at this hotel have only 9, each of them presents quite spacious rooms with all amenities - from the TV to a seating area, a bathroom and a minibar. There is a similar double room in the area of ​​55 - 65 dollars per day (luxury - about 130).

You can choose one of the hotels located in the heart of the city - on the pedestrian street Lenin. This is, first, a three-star hotel "Gubernskaya" (Leninskaya St., 56/6), which offers its guests spacious bright and well-designed traditionally-style rooms with a TV, a private bathroom, a seating area and a TV. In addition, in the hotel building there is one of the most prestigious in the city of restaurants - "Latuk", where it is possible to have a good one (truth, expensive) lunch or dinner, the breakfast is included in the room rate. And although the price per room is not from low here - from 90 dollars a day, the hotel does not have to be empty. After all, in two steps, all the most interesting places of the city - Tsum, Lenin Square and, of course, asteriste.

In the same place, on Leninskaya Street, or on the Mogilev Arbat (tourists are often called it), you can find a small hotel "Lira", located near the well-known Metro club and all the same star square with asterar. Again, small, only 8 rooms, but consistently stylish and luxurious, "Lira" At one time, she became one of the first Mogilev premium hotels (in comparison, of course, with other hotels existing in the city from Soviet times).

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And although now the luxurious furniture and elegant interiors will not surprise anyone, she still has many fans among travelers who prefer to stop in it. Each room is equipped with air conditioning, a minibar with a refrigerator, and an excellent view opens from the window. True, in standard rooms, unlike suites, there is no private bathroom (only toilet with a washbasin, and the bathroom on the floor) - but the total number of rooms does not make this question particularly problematic. The prospects can be attributed very advantageous location - coming out of the hotel, right in the most crowded part of the pedestrian street, and around - many cafes, restaurants, shops and other entertainment facilities. The only thing that can stop somewhat is again the price - from 65 - 75 for the standard and from 100 to 110 dollars per suit for a day.

At the very beginning of the Leninskaya Street section, not far from Ordzhonikidze Square, there is another, built not so long ago, - "Slavic" offering cozy rooms with good furniture for 60 to 100 dollars per day.

This is what concerns modern hotels that appeared in Mogilev over the past years and possess their guests close to the European service. But, having arrived in the city on the Dnieper on vacation or in the case, you can also stop in one of the existing hotels for many decades and well-known hotels. True, it is not necessary to scare right away - in most of them, over the past five years, capital repairs and reconstructions were also made, so often the numbers are very and very different.

No doubt here first you need to highlight the hotel "Mogilev" , located on the central motorway of the city - the Peace Prospect, two steps from Lenin Square and rightly from the picturesque embankment of Dubovenka's river. This is a high-rise building decorated with the inscription "Mogilev", it is difficult not to notice and for many years it is a real business card of the city.

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Each room has its own private bathroom, rooms are decorated at least, but cozy and most modernly, and the cost is quite acceptable - from $ 45 for a standard number to $ 75 per studio or 100 dollars per suit.

If the location is not so important, then it is possible to drive at all on the other side of the Dnieper, where the three-star hotel is located on Prospect Pushkinsky "Tourist" . It also has a relatively recent reconstruction, the rooms received a "new" face, the cost is very and very relevant - from 30 to $ 100 per day for two, depending on the category of numbers, so it is not surprising that now the hotel is one of the most sought-after in the city - The place is better to book at least in a couple of months, especially if we are talking about summer.

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As for the question of some distance from the center, this is not a problem at all - next to the public transport stop, where you can overcome the distance to the historic center in 5 minutes, and the ice palace, the amusement park and the Dnipro River embankment are nearby.

There are, of course, a couple of hotels, but they are either far away, or the quality does not correspond to the price. Be that as it may, in Mogilev in terms of housing there are from what to choose and what to put an eye. And for those who do not like to stop in hotels, it is possible to advise at all for a couple of days an apartment or room on one of the databases of recreation located in the vicinity of the city, the benefit of their choice is also impressive.

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