What excursions to choose in Kalambak?


Kalambaka is a very small town in Greece, it is located from the Chalkidiki Peninsula, where most of the tourists are resting, about 5 hours away towards Athens. It is noteworthy that here in the mountains, and Kalambak is located at their foot, is one of the largest monastery complexes of the country, known as Meteor.

What excursions to choose in Kalambak? 9695_1

The impressions of the trip remain just unforgettable for life. Let it sound a little loudly, but it is. Who was here at least once will never forget this trip.

What is such a remarkable meteor? In the mountains of the Fessenian Valley near Kalambaki on tops there are current Orthodox churches.

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They were organized several centuries ago, about the 11th century. The monks were hiding from permanent raids to the side of the Turks, Albanians and erected their temples in the mountains. You could get on the top of the mountains in the grids. They have been preserved to our time and show them to tourists. In the grids raised food, as well as the monks themselves. Insecure lifting, especially in windy weather. Now there are steps, so tourists feel all the fears of the past rise do not have to.

During the excursion to the meteor, you can see the current temples, there are only 6 - 4 male and 2 female.

What excursions to choose in Kalambak? 9695_3

In addition, see the decoration of temples and kesels. In the cells full asceticism. Here you can also purchase consecrated icons and other religious products (books, suspensions with saints). All this is allowed to export abroad. Immediately, you will certainly show the lift, as well as a huge magnitude of the barrel, in which rainwater was collected. There was no other source of water on the tops of the mountains.

What excursions to choose in Kalambak? 9695_4

You can buy a tour of a meteoror at the hotel guide, either in the village where you relax. It will be cheaper, but there is a chance that you will get into the international group and have to listen to an English-language excursion. The choice is yours. I drove with a group of Russian tourists and a guide was a professor of the historic faculty from the university in Thessaloniki. Therefore, the impressions of the trip were doubly pleasant.

What excursions to choose in Kalambak? 9695_5

The cost of excursion 50 euros per person. Food is not included here. Stayed in one of the roadside cafes, lunch is about 10 - 15 euros. Departure from Chalkidikov at 5 am, give a lunch bag with you. The trip to Kalambaki takes 5 hours, the excursion itself is 2.5 hours. The hotel will only have a dinner.

If the child is an adult - it's worth getting in such a trip. With the baby for long distances, albeit in a comfortable bus, I do not advise you to go.

Women on this trip should wear a skirt, or take a pareo with you, otherwise they will not be allowed into the monasteries.

Meteor - truly grandiose place. It is in the number of protected monuments of the culture of UNESCO. The excellent opportunity to "switch" from a beach holiday and to see the history of Greece.

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