Where to go with children in Yerevan?


Ride with children in Yerevan promises to be quite interesting! Here is the truth there is something to do! Plus, excellent climate and beautiful landscapes - what could be better! Well, a couple of tips on where you can go to the kids in Yerevan and what to do with them.

Singing Fountains

Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_1

Very love kids this local attraction. Singing fountains, colored, musical, stand on the main square of the city (Republic Square) for more than 35 years! By the way, this is the first to sing fountains in the USSR, and, we must think, from the moment of discovery they attracted crowds of curious tourists, and even from abroad. The spectacle is very beautiful and very bright, the sort of water dance and music - you can, like a crowded, and to sleep, admiring this beauty. The music that fountains performs is from world classics to national and popular motifs of the 20th and 21st centuries. And the most of all the evidence will be from a gigantic video order, the background of which is water dust. By the way, the fountain program changes daily. Well, most importantly, this show is completely free!

Yerevan Zoo

Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_2

Beautiful place for family leisure. The zoo of the capital is more than 70 years old, so, on the occasion of a recent anniversary in 2011, rare animals were delivered to the zoo, such as Capricorn (who did not know these are mountain goats), Egyptian volatile dogs, Mandrils, Lemur-Vari and other animals. In total, 2749 animals live here 204 species! The figure is impressive, fact. Animals in the zoo are suitable in the conditions as close as possible to the natural habitat. Pretty the visit time by the time of feeding animals - the zoo workers make a whole show from this process, very interesting. And some animals in the zoo can be stroked and fed (from different animals - different times, you can see a schedule here: http://www.yerevanzoo.am/index.php?id=161&l=0)

Feeding for animals here is made in the form of a quest -Medvedi looking for vegetables and fruits in hidden in ice cubes, large cats "attack" closed boxes, which are slightly reminded by the victim, but tigers must bounce up at a piece of meat. Here is the show! Children in the zoo simply can not help but like. By the way, on holidays here, whole holidays are held, the zoo is enveloped by clowns, growth dolls, show programs are held for the kids and a puppet theater is organized. Plus, in the zoo you will find different rides and cafes where you can eat and relax after such a bright day.

Address: ul. Myasnikyan, 20.

Schedule: May 1 - October 31, weekdays: 09: 30-22: 00 (tickets can be bought until 21:00), weekends and holidays - 09: 30-22: 30 (tickets can be bought until 21:30)

Ticket price: Children 3-12 years old -300 Dram, Children 12-16 years old -500 Drum, Adults from 16 years old - 800 Drum, Children up to 3 years - Free


Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_3

Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_4

Relatively new cafe and entertainment center for the whole family. Cafe is located on two floors in the heart of the city, not far from the Swan Lake. This is a special children's cafe, which offers both kids, and their parents are interesting entertainment, which will come to the children of different ages. There is a spacious room for children's holidays, well, a cafe with game zones. For example, kids can run here on a soft maze, jump on a trampoline, ride small carousels, play with toys, well, and have lunch. By the way, the cafe is located underground, it is equipped with a large elevator and available for wheelchairs.

Address: Tereyan Street, 55/1 (next to "Karapi Lich")

Children's Park

Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_5

Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_6

Children's park with numerous attractions - well, what else can the kids dream of! There is this park in the gorge, in the pure area of ​​Yerevan, which is far from the roadway so that it is very calm and quiet here. Here and carousels, both trampolines, and a car, and the railway, and much more. There are tables with tassels and paints, so, after riding on all carousels, children can simply pour or strover figures from plaster, which are also sold immediately. Railway attracts a lot of attention. This road with the Little Station "Irenique" (Motherland) is located in the park itself. Tickets for the train are cheap (kids up to 3 years old), and on these open trays, children with parents will pass through the gorge (about 2 kilometers) between the Roddan River and the drainage channel. But do not expect that this is a super-duper train - all the same, the park exists for a long time, and the train slightly dilated, but still, it is very fun!

Address: Kentron district, near Beirut Street


Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_7

This place is in the very center of Yerevan. The exotarium is small, located in the small four halls. Here you can admire rare species of lizards, snakes, crocodiles, parrot, rodents and other animals. Children will definitely break cute monkeys. And also some animals can be fed - for example, the parrots of Ara. Lama can be stroked, and on a giant turtle and ride at all. And, of course, with animals you can take a picture.

Tickets: for adults - 1000rd., For children - 600dr.

Address: Tigran Avenue Menzi, 80/1 (near the main railway station of the city)

Work schedule: 10: 00-21: 00 every day

Victory Park

Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_8

Where to go with children in Yerevan? 9685_9

This is a great place for walking with the whole family. The park is located on one of the highest points of Yerevan, so that from there opens a luxurious view of the city. Construction of this park is confined to victory in World War II. Therefore, it was here on May 9 of each year festive marches and congratulations of veterans. Next to the park you can see a small lake of Areni, where you can sit, relax, play, spread the picnic and even ride a boat. Also in the park there are attractions and cafes, sometimes there are concerts and M cultural events. Symbol of Park - Monument "Mother of Armenia" - a sculpture of a woman with a sword in his hands and with a shield at the feet, which personifies the image of the Motherland. And next to the exposition of military equipment - Tank, aircraft, rocket. This park really likes kids.

Address: Azatutian Avenue

If your older children, you can go to them National Picture Gallery (Street Aram, 1), Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Matenadaran (Mashtots 53), Museum of Sergei Parajanova (Dzorahuh, 15/16).

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