"Burning ticket" in Hurghada turned our holiday in a fairy tale


I will tell you now my story as we rest in Hurghada with a girlfriend))).

Last year, when it began to rain at the end of September we wanted to extend the summer, we had such a vacation without any problems, so very quickly were already with holidays. On the same day, we went to travel agency and turned for help in choosing a ticket. We had to fly out as soon as possible. The girl-manager found us a couple of attractive offers - "last minute tours" with departures in Hurghada and in Sharm el-Sheikh. I wanted to look at the Hurghada, as there were already in Sharma.

The hotel is five stars, in the Saccale area, is called Sea Gull 5 *, which is located 50 meters from the sea and has a large territory with developed hotel infrastructure, animals and so on. Of course, we agreed and the price was only 14 thousand. In 9 nights. The departure was scheduled after 2 days. We immediately paid all. After 2 days, they were stronged in Domodedovo and after 3.5 hours were already in sunny Hurghada. The air temperature hit for 30 degrees and we were looking forward to when they plunge into the warm waters of the Red Sea.

And here we are in place, the transfer from the international airport quickly delivered us to the hotel, filled the profiles at the receptions, layout the cell of the safe, got the cherished keys from the room and all))) So, our vacation began). The room was good overlooking the city.

Every day we went to the sea, they were angry and got hardened. Also in the evenings we walked around the city, went to local stores, souvenir shops, where many interesting things acquired, the parents bought a table lamp from pieces of glass of different colors, beauty, cost about 800 rubles for our money. True, I had to buy a bag for souvenirs, since all such a fragile, especially plates from a good Egyptian porcelain, mugs.

I didn't go on the excursions, I didn't want something, and it was somehow sorry for days. We went to the local Textile shop "Karcash", where they scored several bed linen sets, towels, made us a good discount. We were satisfied with the purchases.

Fly arrived with a delay of 3 hours, almost late for the train. It is not clear because of what was such a delay. And facked two times the turbulence zone. Of course it was scary. But it is already in the past.

From the trip left satisfied and plan to repeat more than once.

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