Ternopil in my heart


I remember a distant lesson of geography at school, which has become a sign for me. Why precisely in those quieter 45 minutes I firmly decided that I want to visit all points of the globe. One thought then worried me - here would have time and do not miss anything on your tourist path. Fortunately, my childhood fantasy did not darken financial issues at the time. However, first of all, I wanted to celebrate in all 24 cities of my picturesque homeland, and only then boldly go to conquer distant foreign horizons. Even the notebook has started and the first point with pride fisted his native Vinnitsa. I want to note that many of my children's dreams have been riveted in the fly, but this idea has become one of the main hobbies of my life. Probably, every traveler will support my idea that the more you go, the more I want the next warhead. This is a kind of stimulator, without which you no longer imagine your life.

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I could not fulfill the original plan - I was moving around Ukraine with shafts into foreign countries, but there was no less pleasure from these travels. Ternopil occupies an honorary twentieth place in my list, as well as a separate one - in my heart. It is impossible not to fall in love with this city, so I strongly recommend it to visit all lovers of new impressions. Here it is clean, cozy and stunningly beautiful, here you can safely come as a small company and a friendly large-scale team. The main rule is to respect others and not forget about culture, because the townspeople are favorably for educated tourists.

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I spent here a weekend tour with the company, and remained more than satisfied with the weekend. We lived on a removable apartment, which previously booked with the help of the Internet. The apartments went to us worthy, while in the city center and for a moderate fee of 200 hryvnia per day. Also we considered the option with hotels, which there is enough for every taste, but the above-mentioned undertaking with accommodation in a private area was lacking more. Hiking around the city, meals in colorful restaurants and travels on the nearby castles left the warmest memories of Ternopil in my memory.

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