Alexandria - Egyptian pearl by tourists undeservedly


In Alexandria, we hit road transport along the road along which the richest bananas and pineapple plantations are located. The driver on the way told us the terrible stories that people work for a penny on these plantations, and in the case of their provinces, they apply physical punishment. I do not undertake to judge if it is true or another bike for tourists, but many kilometer banana fields seem to really bring strong crops.

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Located in the hotel, right on El Nasr Square, we first went to the sea. The gorgeous five-kilometer embankment turned out to be not far, but the road to her left a dual impression. Literally Alexandria City of contrasts: on one of the streets purity, order and quite European landscapes, especially if they are similar to their architectural styles, but on the other street you can observe the mountains of garbage. Why there are streets, the owner of the nearest shop can wash the sidewalk, while the neighbor will be loosely littering.

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The sea for washing four million megapolis is basically quite clean, that's just water far from year-round comfortable temperatures of the Red Sea. But we still focused on, then the Russian prophylactic agent at the hotel took traditionally.

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I'll tell you about alcohol so, it is no one in the open, but if desired, everything can be bought. From the mandatory program, he visited excursions to the Palace of Hiedivov, bought souvenirs near the Fort Kitebay, allegedly built from the remnants of the famous Alexandria lighthouse.

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We also visited the mosque located close to Fort, though they were not allowed inside, although in principle we initially explained that the mosque was conditionally open for tourists.

We were very angry with a tourist in the years on an old and strongly tired Mercedes, when he was that if he was, or he studied in Russia and now rushed with Russian jokes, additives and mats, rightly heard all this as if accepted accents. Another interesting story happened to us when traveling to local shops, many of which are proudly called factories on the basis of the fact that someone sews something in the backyard. In one shop we met a Russian woman Tamaru, many years ago married Egyptian. Over the years, Tom never mastered as an alien language, but almost all local around her now was tolerable spoken Russian. She helped us to turn one operation. One of us, having gotten a thick chain, wore it for a week, and now changed his mind, in addition he had doubts about the authenticity of the precious metal. Tamara handed us a note on which in the store we took the jewelry and returned the day, and they also assured that this is a common practice. I am still curious, as it was in that note.

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