What money is best to go to Lech?


Lech is a ski resort in Austria, which means the local monetary unit - the euro. In the course of bills and coins. Small coin - cent.

What money is best to go to Lech? 9577_1


Naturally, the eurozone countries need to go with the euro and the lech is no exception. Cash euros is better to buy before the trip - this you solve the mass of the problems associated with the exchange. And the main problem is the loss of money. The commission for each exchange operation is about 5% of the amount. The size of the commission in different places varies, so be sure to specify the final amount you get on your hands. The euro / dollar rate is unstable and changing every day. Lech is a small resort, more like a village rather than on the city, but there will be no problems with finding exchange points.

What money is best to go to Lech? 9577_2

This service will be provided to you in any bank, hotel, travel bureaus and even by mail. In different places, the exchange rate will be different, so do not be lazy and go around several exchangers. Banks work daily except weekends from 8 am to 3 days, and on Thursday to 17:30. Unfortunately, round-the-clock specialized currency exchange points - Wechselstube in Lech is not. It is not worth a ride with rubles, it is equivalent to what you came at all without money, as they will not be exchanged.

Bank card

This, which became already familiar, the payment agent is very useful to you in the resort.

What money is best to go to Lech? 9577_3

Lech is a civilized place of rest and payment by the card here is the norm. In all restaurants, cafes, stores there are terminals. Pay the card is much more profitable than to remove cash from it. If a ruble card, then it is better to go with MasterCard - In this case, a single-stage conversion: the ruble euro; While "Visa": Ruble - Dollar -Evro. The bank that released the value of the value does not have, just before the trip specify the cash removal commission.


During the hike shopping, do not miss the "Tax-Free" sign!

What money is best to go to Lech? 9577_4

Keep in mind that when purchasing a sum above 75 EUR, a tax in the amount of 10-13% will be returned. The seller will give you a receipt that needs to be present during customs in a special window. The receipt is valid for 3 months and can even be sent by mail.

Approximate prices:

  • The middle check in the restaurant for two with beer: 35 - 40 EUR
  • Tips in a restaurant: 10% of the amount
  • Water liter in the store: 0.5 EUR
  • Skipas (1 day adult / children's): 48/29 EUR
  • Hotel: 40 EUR

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