What interesting can be viewed in Gradean Crawn?


The amazing Czech city of Gradeans-Klolov is located in the most beautiful rivers of the Laba and Orlice, more precisely from their merger. The Laba River passes through the city itself, while separating the part of the old city from more than its new attacks.

For the first time, the city was mentioned as a commercial settlement of Slavnikovychy in the 10th century, and in 995 Gladets-Kralove becomes a princely residence. In 1225, the status of the city was translated to the Royal City thanks to Premyslo Ottokar I, which founded the castle here for his own residence, as well as to reside his heirs. Later, during the course of several centuries, the city served the place of stay of the kings, from where the city name occurred.

And in the 14th century, the city is experiencing flourishing. The Church of the Holy Spirit is built on its territory, charters of craft workshops are being taken, and the townspeople give royal permission to cook the famous Czech beer. And by the end of the century, the city of Gladets-Klolov becomes second in the meaning of the city after Prague.

The second flowering of the city took place at the rule of the kings of Jiří from Podbrad and Vladislava II Yagellon. Although, after, the Board of Habsburg begins, and the city loses its former meaning. Especially great damage the city has undergone in the times of the thirty-year-old war, when many monuments of architecture and history were significantly damaged or completely destroyed.

To date, the most significant monument of history, as well as the main attraction is considered Cathedral of Holy Spirit which is located on the Central City Square and is made in the Gothic style. It is referred to as one of the most valuable monuments of Czech heritage.

Queen Elishka raised the cathedral in 1307, and in 1414 the leader of the Gusitsky troops were temporarily buried here - Yana Zhizi. After that, the body of Yana was seized from here and reburied, and in 1664 the church acquired the status of the cathedral. In the 19th century, the Cathedral was renovated and he acquired the kind of neoada, and in 1901 the Tower of the Cathedral also had to update.

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This is an excellent building located in the city, in a height of about 33 meters, and in length - about 55. The appearance seems quite gloomy and mysterious, but the inner decoration of the cathedral is very elevated and beautiful, even one can say, elegant. Several gothic silicon windows illuminate the cathedral from the inside, as well as they are decorated with colored stained glass windows.

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Surprisingly, it was in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit that the very first image of the arms of Gladets-Klolov, which historians refer to 1406 were preserved. And on the neo-neutic altar is triptych in the early-defined style, the end of the 15th century. Great historical value is the baptismal font, belonging to the 15th century.

Near the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit is located White Tower which is considered the second attractions in the city.

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This is a fairly significant monument of the Renaissance era, because the tower was built in 1574, and for construction, the boulders of white sandstone were used, hence the name of the tower itself occurred. For many centuries, the tower lost its whiteness and became gray and enough shawliness, because throughout the time of its existence, the tower was used as a bell tower, fire calant and even the hour tower. In addition, in the height of the structure, the tower is considered the second building in the entire Czech Republic, after the Cathedral of St. Vita in Prague, and reaches a height of 71.5 meters. A vintage huge bell is stored here, which has its own name - Augustine, which belongs to the 16th century and weighs about 10 tons. Previously, eight strong men called him together, so a gigantic bell was. Today, a mechanical hammer is ringing to the bell, which drives the clock mechanism, the leisers of the White Tower is also famous and its clocks in which a large arrow indicates the clock, and the little minute shows minutes.

Twisted and fairly narrow staircase, located inside the tower, leads to the top floor, where the balcony is located with an excellent view of Gradean Crawle and its surroundings. The tower is also adjacent to the chapel of the Holy Clement.

Very calm and quiet town, in comparison with Prague, is an excellent place to relax from the turmoil and hurry. Here, throughout the city is very clean and cozy, almost all locals use bicycles for walking and movement around the city, so it is simply on every gathering there is at least one bike parked at the store or tree.

Tourists will also be an interesting part of the old city, which is the whole part of the story, because you can watch a lot of all wonderful and beautiful. To walk along the narrow streets and enjoy the excellent architecture of the vintage houses that have been preserved until our time. The Turks will be interested in the church of the Divine Heart of the Lord, as well as the area at which a monument is established to the first president, then Czechoslovakia is Tomasha Harrig Masarik.

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Excellent walks take tourists on the embankment, where everyone has the opportunity to feed swans and ducks, as well as enjoy the tranquility of the water surface of the river and just relax, or enjoy a solitude if you arrived with your companion or companion. We like walks along the embankment and children who happily feeding the birds here.

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And near the territory of the large area of ​​Grada-Klolov there are such interesting houses, because if tourists are closer closer, you can see a variety of stucco and beautiful ornaments on house facades.

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The city also has a well-known university, as well as the famous medical school. Theater Festivals are held in the city, among which the annual festival is the Theater of European Regions, as well as the Hip-Hop Festival. In October, a very large number of tourists visits the jazz music festival, which is also international and fairly enchanting.

And here it looks like a small area of ​​Gradz Kralove. Here, too, you can sit in solitude, enjoying warm weather and wonderful holidays after hard work everyday life.

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Despite not such a large number of attractions in the city, tourists for some reason always attracts this amazing, relatively small town.

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