What should you expect from holiday in Bad Blueau?


Bad Bhumau - Thermal Resort is a place of concentration of modern ideas about harmony and ecology.

Bad Bhumaua is a small self-governing settlement or, as a literally, you can translate the word Gehmenda - this is a community. The capital of the district in which he is -hartberg gets closely, belongs to the Eastern Styria region. This region is known for its thermal sources - the so-called "thermal line". The water of the thermal source comes out of the thickness of the roof with a temperature above the boiling point - 107 ºС.

The place is very picturesque - the river flows Zaphen, then she flows into another river - in general, rustic idyll and bourgeois kurront.

The fact that this Kurrort is of course says the word Bad - the equivalent of our "water". The town is now in fashion. Fashioned he became not in vain. Because it is here that focusing many progressive ideas of the last decades!

How to get there

With larger settlements, it connects the "thermoban" - line of regional trains (Line S3 from Friedberg to Fering), local buses and of course you can get in and in the South Autobahn A2.

Artistic ideas of the Hundertwasser are embodied here!

The popularity of the site was provided by the terms and hotel Roger Bad Blumau. The fact is that this village built and decorated in no one as the famous and still fashion artist and architect Freedsraych Hundertwasser! And in fact, this is the last project of the appreciated artist, whose name was given to us at least for the services! In 2000, he was already dead, and therefore all his ideas were invested in Roger Bad Bed Blue! He planned him in detail in 1992, the terms were built since 1993 and opened in 1997 - this is about 40 hectares. Square. The Hundertwasser designed not only the buildings themselves, but also inner premises and a very pretty church.

What should you expect from holiday in Bad Blueau? 9546_1

Thermal source instead of oil and ecological electricity.

The thermal source, by the way, was discovered as a result of drilling when searching for oil and gas. They worked for 3 thousand meters by Squadin back in the 70s, found boiling water and the well sealed again. But the "burgomaster" is a place with a population in a couple of thousands. The inhabitants came to mind the thought of using these waters. The water was checked for therapeutic properties, and then another recent builder exactly the Term Robert Roger carried out this construction. But innovation did not bounce on this and in 2001 the hotel itself provided himself with electricity due to thermal source.

Geomanitica - new isoteric ideas.

But that's not all! Sculptor Marco Codaver, famous for the ideas of geomantia (much of geomantics, we know how Feng Shui), created here 18 lithopuncture stones as the centers of the Vital Energy. He calls them a geomantic code. From sculptures, positive energy is transferred to buildings, and from buildings to visitors. That's right because everyone goes to relax in Bad Blue.

Blumau manifesto.

Old compounds and buildings are restored on revenues from tourism. This idea, got the name of Manifest Blumau. Her authors: Johannes Gutmann (Zonnentor), Robert Roger Jr. and Joseph Zotter (Zotter Chocolate Manufactory).

Park and Waydenarchitecture.

Along the journal there is a park connecting the town with a place of the thermal source. And of course, the idea of ​​the immutability of the wild natural landscape is embodied. A significant part of the park is a restored architect landscape of Marcel Calbeler. This is the so-called idea of ​​Vaidenrachitecia - the inclusion of passion and meadows into landscapes.

What should you expect from holiday in Bad Blueau? 9546_2

1000 flight oak.

Oak is considered the oldest in Europe and has grasp 8.75 meters.

What should you expect from holiday in Bad Blueau? 9546_3

Churches, Chapels and Crucifixions of Bad Blumau 18-19th century.

Of course there are ancient churches in this old town. This is the parish church of St. Sebastiana It in the style of Baroque built the court architect from Graz Bartolomeus Ebner. And in the surrounding area under the protection of the state there are Chapel of Maria Hilft, the roadside crucifixion of the early 18th century Anton Adolf Osteridera, Capella Maria Louders of the late 19th century, and a few more condo chapel and crucifixes.

How much is rest

Three-day stay here, everything in price will cost about 350 euros, five-day from 85 euros per day per person. The hotel belongs to Rogner International Hotels & Resorts. Roger has another hotel in Tirana. Hotel in Bad Bhumau auer has 4 stars.

Cultural Program.

The hotel will not be bored. There are approximately 120 possibilities to visit anything in the district. There are approximately 20 possibilities to visit the fortresses and castles, the monastic complex Kirchhenberg, and the Church of Small Mariyatsell is a place of pilgrimage. Larched many museums and attractions. To the arrivors: Samview pain in the world fire car, a collection of knight weapons, a museum-medieval military camp, Museum of agricultural machinery, the Museum of therapeutic Water, the Roman Museum, the Museum of the Rural Architecture Open Sky ... Well, of course, there are a lot of trips to alleged exhibitions and in salons. But everyone will tell you the hotel.

What to try or take with you

Well, firstly famous Styrian pumpkin oil . It is considered an ideal means of prostatitis, on its basis all preventive preparations are actually made. This is the best pumpkin oil in the world, by the way, is not cheap.

The ham in the region is the famous Vulcanosinken . Pork feed pumpkin, fragrant fat, ripen trees in stone sheds. Salo volcano and generally pork volcano (this is a ragional production method in Styria ) Enters the best works of pork. Often quite very combed. Some farms in the region are also divorced and Mangalitz breed but. Pork is dear, but very good and different!

Honey is good, but honey on which the tree name is indicated or the name is undercoine medical And in Russia he is unpopulated. In the region make interesting pralines (chocolate candies with filling) and traditional Austrian jams (marmalady) . Austrian jams are always very good ..

Cheeses are also wonderful. Region specializes on glorified white cheese and young chopped cheese . They are always good for breakfast and their taste is easily understood ...

In District Several Winothek . White wines are rather saturated: green winder, vens crusting. Rat is also rude, for example Sant Laurent and Portugizer. But with powerful Austrian cuisine they are ideal. In the district, grapes are disturbed on Weinbrand (Brandy) and at Trresterbrand (Chacha), but there is one more thing: whiskey !!! Whiskey in the region makes brewery.

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