Food in Ganja: Where to eat and what to try?


After examining the beautiful sights of Ganja, you can have a snack. Fortunately, there are enough cafes and restaurants in the town where you can drink a seagull, and sit with friends, and try delicious dishes of national cuisine. Basically, of course, these are small quiet cafes.

Many claim that they are preparing here much better than in Baku. Well, this statement is very controversial, and you can only check this statement on your own experience.

As for traditional dishes of Azerbaijan, it can be noted that it is very diverse. As well as, very satisfying, nutritious and calorie, it is even called "male cuisine".

Since the country is hot, climate mountain and subtropical, then there are all the conditions for growing the necessary components for dishes: bars (and as a result, getting delicious lamb), birds, river and sea (Caspian) fish, fruits and vegetables. The use of greenery in the preparation of dishes is very popular, as well as routine, carnations, parsley, basil, dill, fragrant pepper, cumin, cilantro, mint, saffron, and others, all this is the unique fragrance, so that the dishes are very "fragrant" . Spice Sumy usually love to add to meat dishes.

Of course, Azerbaijani cuisine is famous for meat dishes. For example, kebabs and dishes in tandyre (or tandoor, ceramic furnace). Very fond of lamb dishes here, and much less - from beef, birds, fish. There is no pork dishes in this kitchen and alcohol content.

Do not be surprised if you even see fruit in meat dishes! Also try dolm (Something like the kaltsov) - it is prepared here in a variety of species too: from eggplant, tomato and pepper; with rice, peas and mint; from quince and apples; from lime leaves and so on.

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Next, Azerbaijani cuisine is, of course, pilaf . There are several types of Azerbaijani Plov:

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Kaourme-pilaf (with lamb),

Turkey-Kaurma Pilaf (with lamb and acidic fruit),

Chiy-Doshamy-Kaourme-Plov (with lamb, pumpkin and chestnuts),

Toeh-pilaf (with chicken, fried slices),

Truchilo-pilaf (with chicken or stuffed chicken),

Chigyrm pilaf (with chicken, pumped by a whipped egg),

Fisiongean-pilaf (with game, nuts, acidic fruit and cinnamon),

Sheshryhanch-pilaf (egg),

Site-pilaf (dairy)

Shirin-pilaf (fruit sweet).

Here is a variety, in! By the way, the rice and the basis of Plov -Myaso, fruits, vegetables are prepared separately, but it is connected just before serving on the table. If you are lucky, you will see that the submission of the Powa is also a separate beautiful ceremony.

Well, other meat dishes - Kababa, Kyufta (stuffed meatballs), Chayrtma (Georgian thick soup on broth from poultry, sometimes lamb, does not look like ordinary soup),

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AG Coairs (lamb with pomegranate juice) and others.

Sweet tooths here too. All the Slavs of Azerbaijani cuisine are divided into three subgroups - flour, caramel-shaped and candy-shaped. You will immediately notice that in many dishes - a huge amount of poppy, nuts, almonds, sesame, ginger, cardamom and the like. Try from flour: Skeckerbur, Pahlav, Shekeker-Chuek, Kurabieu Baku, Katu (Kutab) Ganja, Mutaki Shemakhinsky, Pakhlav Nakhichevan.

List for a long time, because traditional flour products are 30, and even more. Moreover, in different areas there are separate Slavs. I can ask for tea jam From watermelons, white dogs, young walnuts and "paradise apples" with a sterling.

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Jam here is generally very honored, and can make it even out of olives! By the way, the tea is likely to be offered to lunch - this is an expression of hospitality and delight to guests (but in the restaurant it is unlikely, of course, but if you are lucky to be at someone at home!).

Be sure to try local Sherbeth..

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Interestingly, Azerbaijani sorbets are soft drinks that are often served to the pilaf. They are made by their fruit and berry juices, as well as the dishes of seeds, kidneys of different plants.

By the way, order in a restaurant Kutab - This is a local fast food: crescent pie with meat filling, fried in a raging oil.

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Keta - This is a similar pie, stuffed with spinach, cilantro, dill, pomegranate grains and a grated cheese (for vegetarians).

If you love the soup, then you have a whole smaller here: Order hot meat soup "Both" Cold with kefir "Dov", With flour "Usch" , with meat balls "Kyuftabozbash" other. Instead of bread, CHUREEK and Lavash will be served, and salads are mandatory part of the meal.

So, if you were in Ganja, you can go, for example, in the following Restaurants.

"Zilli Sirniyyat" (Zarrabi Street 81) - Probably the best family bakery in the goange. Delicious traditional pastries, and low prices. Bakery works from 9.00 to 18.45.

A restaurant Magara On Sabil Street offers traditional dishes of Azerbaijan and Georgia - all at a reasonable price, with a menu in English, the staff also springs in English. The restaurant is located in two or three blocks from the main street of Xətai, near the Internet cafe.

Traditional dishes can be tried in the restaurant ŞAh Sarayı (Xuluflu Küç). Take a look in steakhouse "Gülistan" - True, here it is very expensive (at least for Ganja).

The most popular restaurant among tourists - "Epikur Bagi" (157 Shah Ismayil Khetayi Ave). True, this is a European restaurant (Japanese, Italian, Greek, Mexican -na, if you are already tired of trying local dishes). You can also try Italian and Japanese dishes. The place is very stylish, chic, restaurant in the city center. There is live music, prices are very affordable. For example, a large pizza costs only 6 euros, Caesar Salad- 4.50 euros (but for the city price is high, by the way). But about 20 types of rollers and sushi! The restaurant is working every day, from 11.00 to 23.00.

Run in the restaurant "Elegance" (Mirza Abbas Abbas-Zade 30) is a Turkish restaurant with an excellent menu and low prices. Alcohol in this restaurant do not sell. Typical family restaurant. Another Turkish restaurant - "Baskent" (Aurapark Ticaret Merkez), True, and the prices here are slightly higher than in the previous one.

That's all in Ganja delicious and forever!

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