What interesting places worth visiting in Ganja?


Ganja - the second largest city in Azerbaijan. Our parents can remember this city as Kirovabad (renamed so in 1935 in honor of S. M. Kirov, but in 1989 he was named the name of Ganja). There is this town at the foot of the Range of the Small Caucasus. About 322 thousand people live in the city, and by the way to say, it is at the same time the country's second population. The city, in fact, is very old, it was founded either in 660, or in 859 (according to different sources). Well, the name of the city is translated as "treasure, treasure" or "crop storage."

The city is very beautiful! If you find yourself here, be sure to look at these attractions.

Bottle house

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This interesting facility was built in 1966-1967. To build this house, 48 thousand bottles were spent! That is, instead of bricks - bottles of green glass glued together with concrete. In addition to the bottles, pebbles, mosaic and fragments of the mirror glass were used for consumer beauty. The house is two-storey .. On the facade of the house you can see the word "Ganja", posted from the bottoms of the bottles. As you can guess, the construction process was very laborious. Architect Ibrahim Jafarov spent about 20 years to build this glass church! Of course, this is not the only house of bottles in the world, and whom it can be surprised at all. But at that time this building produced a real four line! This house was known for the entire USSR, and now, the house from the bottles is one of the main attractions of Ganja. The house is also famous for its portrait gallery, which is located at the top of the facade, under the roof itself. The portraits of the oil were personally written by the builder of the house: these are portraits of the members of the Jafarov family and historical persons from the time of the Great Victory of 1945 to the Olympiad-80 (to this event, the house from bottles received a special extension). There you can see a self-portrait of the architect itself, in military uniform, as well as a poster depicting a girl with the inscription "We are waiting!". The entrance to the house is free, but the excursions in the house are not conducted. This is a private possession, today the children and grandchildren of the architect live in it, so there is no settime of the visits, too, how to agree. However, it is planned that the house will turn into a full-fledged museum soon. There is a house on Qəmbər Hüseynli Street in the city center.

Geegel State Reserve

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The reserve was founded in 1925 and this is the first reserve in the country. The area of ​​the reserve is more than 6000 hectares. Basically, these are thick forests: mining, mountain-meadow and mining and lake natural complexes. The place is extremely picturesque - here and deep valleys, and beautiful lakes (about 10), the mountains, the purest air. Pearl complex - lake Gaigel. The reserve from two parts is the main Gay Gelian Reserve and the Eldar Pine Grove, between which is about 80 kilometers of the distance. Also on the territory there are some types of extinct and rare animals. For example, roe, spotted deer, a bezar goat, a brown bear and some others. This beautiful nature reserve is less than an hour from Ganja south.

Mosque Shah Abbasa

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Also this mosque is called "Juma Mosque". She was built during the reign of Shah Abbas I Great, in 1606. Two minarets were attached to a beautiful building from red brick (traditional material in the city) in 1776. When the mosque functioned a madrasa for a long time (Muslim middle and higher school, preparing servants of the cult, teachers of primary Muslim schools and civil servants), where, by the way, he taught calligraphy a popular Azerbaijani poet Mirza Shaf Vazh. Interestingly, during the restoration of the building about 6 years ago, the old Russian royal bills of century ago were found inside - this means that the construction was last repaired somewhere in 1910. This beautiful mosque can be found in the heart of Ganja, next to the Museum of Heydar Aliyev. By the way, the mosque is built so that it is possible to check the clock. Exactly at noon from the west side on a white brick, a sunbeam falls, along which you can configure your ticking mechanisms. These are the wonders of architecture!

Russian church (or Alexander Nevsky Church)

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This church was built at the end of the 19th century (and to be more accurate, in 1887) the place of the cemetery. Interestingly, the construction of the church was collected by both Orthodox and Muslims of the city and the surrounding area. The church is interesting, above all, an icon of Alexander Nevsky and the icon of St. Mary Magdalene. The church is still working, regular services are held in it (on weekends and on Orthodox holidays). You can find the church at ul. Haji Ali Huseyn-Zade, 2. Interestingly, the building in the Byzantine style of the brick "Plinfi" from 1935 to 1938 was used as the premises of the local history and anti-religious museum, and later - as a warehouse. Since 1946, the building has become a church again.

Javad Hana Tomb

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The tomb is a monument to the last ruler of the independent Ganja Khanate, who died in the capture of Ganja Russian troops in the early 19th century. Javad-khan offered to pass the city voluntarily, but he resolutely refused, and now, during the assault, Javad Khan died. The stylist in the style of medieval architectural architectural was built in 2005 at the place of the grave of the brave warrior (which died on January 3, 1804). This place is located on the şah İsmayıl Xətai Küçesi, in the park near the mosque Shah Abbas and the Central Square of Ganja. The construction is quite small and, you can say, modest - you will never think that it stores the remains of such a great person!

Khansky garden

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This beautiful garden was broken in about 1700. He was laid during the Persians, but only under the ruler Javad, he gained scope and meaning. Today is a cozy clean garden with lanterns, benches and sculptures. Ancient trees grow in the park, which are not one, and not two centuries. And here there is a mini-zoo, where deer, Jeyrana, proteins and birds live, including flamingos. Look for a park at: Khan Baghi, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Also in the garden there are teahouses - let's drink a seagull there!

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