Side - rest on a positive.


In Turkey, many excellent places of recreation, resort zones that attract tourists. Among the most remarkable resort area with the center in Side. For me, rest here has become more unforgettable than in other areas of Turkey. First, because there is a great sea and entering it - gently and sandy, something like our Anapa. It is better for resting with children than Side and can not be. You can go far away, and the depths will still be. Fish splashing, which speaks of water purity. It is noteworthy that the coast is organized a very good municipal beach. If you relax, for example, in "Treshka", which does not have its own beach, then no problems. Urban beach clean, well-groomed. For rent on a day, you can take a chaise longue for $ 1.5, or buy an umbrella and a rug and sunbathe anything without paying anything. Secondly, Side himself is one of the oldest cities of the country, in which the architectural monuments dating back by the ancient period are preserved (its old historical part). You can not go on excursions, and walk on your own on an antique Side, making your own route and see the famous triumphal arch, through which the warriors sent the winners, the amphitheater, as well as fragments of the once pilex and towering on the sea of ​​the Temple of Appolon.

Side - rest on a positive. 9532_1

In order to make an ancient era as much as possible, you can complete the excursion in one coastal cafe, which is equipped in the spirit of the time. The sets on the shore are preserved remains from ancient civilization.

Side - rest on a positive. 9532_2

On the territory of Side there is a monument to the first president of the country ataturk, he stands directly on the embankment and pass by him impossible. This is a kind of sight, as far as I know, the monuments of all in the country there are two and one of them here. Turks are very honored by his president who marked the beginning of the modern Turkish state.

In the evening, life in the city does not subside. It's nice after the sultry day heat walk along the embankment, feel fresh air walking from the sea. Many tourists make hiking, who are in search of souvenirs who buying inexpensive leather goods and other goods, and who goes to a cafe to enjoy the "gifts of the sea" there, they do not serve in hotels.

Side is attractive in everything. Rest Here will give a lot of positive impressions. It is them that we are all - tourists and want to get, go for them. Here the mood will not be spoiled. There is where to relax on perfectly and see a lot of interesting things.

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