What is interesting to see Yakhimov?


In the city of Yakhimov, the first largest Radon resort is located, which is rich in mineral waters with natural radioactivity, which has favorably affect the body as a whole and treats the disease of the musculoskeletal system of varying degrees of complexity and various origin.

But besides all the advantages of the medical properties of the resort, beautiful historically valuable places are located on its territory, which are mandatory for visiting each tourist.

What is interesting to see Yakhimov? 9530_1

Castle shlick. The lock of the shlik, or as it is also called - Freentein Fortress, was originally created for Shtipan Schlock, which the first in Yakhimov began to focus silver coins. Subsequently, it was these coins that became the first currency in Europe and called Tolaras, from where the word dollar happened. In addition to the residence function, the castle served as a defense for its inhabitants. And only in twenty years, the fortress passed to the property of the monarch Ferdinand I, because of which the castle began to decline and was subsequently shy after the thirty-year war.

To date, only two towers remained from the castle, and some of the remnants of the walls. For tourists, one of the towers is open, which was reconstructed in 1973.

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Latin school library. Here are the books that belong to the Golden European Foundation of Vintage Books. It was founded in the 16th century, and in 1624 she began to belong to Latin school. Throughout the existence of the library, it was constantly replenished with private collections of books from all corners of Europe, subsequently becoming one of the most valuable. Here manuscripts were kept, rare copies of books and many scientific work of that time.

In 1627, the library was closed for the promotion of Protestant ideas, and after 250 years, she was revealed again, but only a small part remained from all the books, among which more than three hundred of the rarest books. As well as about fifty primitive editions, up to 1500. There are also books with chains that used to be tied to the regiments in order to protect them from thieves.

Royal Mint. Previously, there was a workshop for the production of coins created by a sleeper shlik. But after he passed into the property of Ferdinand I, due to the increase in the production of coins, it had to be increased, thus built a new mint. This is a fairly large building built in the style of the Renaissance, although it was a bit damaged by fire, but preserved almost in priority to our time. Today, there is a museum, the expositions of which are the historical values ​​of the city, as well as the uranium exhibition and some finds on the territory of the coin court, among which coins and chasens are.

Hospital church or church of all saints. It is located in the heart of Yakhimov. In the 16th century it was a temple, to whose territory was attached to the hospital. It also created a crypt on its territory, which was subsequently turned into a city cemetery. Because the parish was quite small, the church accounted for several times just save. So that he did not destroy themselves even sell tall signs. In the 90s, the church suffered from the hands of Vandals, and in 1993 he was submitted to believers.

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Church of St. Yakhima. With the help of the Schlink Count and its FN Panning here in the 16th century, the Protestant temple was erected, which in the 17th century switched to power of Catholics. It was installed an amazing carved altar, which in 1873 destroyed a terrible fire. The temple also suffered a lot when donated, so today it is quite different from the pristine species. Before the temple, memorable stones are installed on which the names of the camps are carved for political prisoners and the names of the uranium mines in which they worked. Since 1992 he began to work again.

What is interesting to see Yakhimov? 9530_4

Mine sniffs. This mine is one of the oldest European mines, which greatly glorified and Yakhimov himself. At a depth, in 1864, the source was discovered, which was quite powerful and flooded almost half of the mine. But the source and was famous radon waters. which possess healing properties. It is surprising that no one suspected the healing properties of water, even until the water from the source was conducted to the hospital pipeline.

Only after this yachimov acquired amazing popularity, because the source takes about 370 liters per minute. Today, radon water is served from four sources in the mine.

What is interesting to see Yakhimov? 9530_5

Museum of Mining Open Sky . The museum is located on the database of gallery 1, which is just a hundred meters from the legendary mines. The gallery worked quite a bit, after which it was closed. Segladnia, in museum expositions are presented carts and valid gallery tools. And the museum also includes a whole excursion complex Yakhimovsky Peklo. This is an amazing trail that leads tourists to the most basic workshops of political prisoners in the fifties.

On the territory of Yakhimov there are unique Salt caves , in which the atmospher and humidity are close to the atmosphere of the Dead Sea, rich in salts, and providing a positive effect on the human body and its respiratory tract. Salt room also strengthens the human imune system and is very useful for children. After staying in them, there is a runny nose, allergy symptoms and bronchopal diseases are facilitated.

In addition, the city of Yakhimov is very beautiful and picturesque, because it is located on the slope of the ore mountains, which are covered with amazing forests, at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level. Walking through the woods are not only useful for the body, but also just pleasant to the gaze. The territory of the forest, its clean air, beautiful vegetation and flavor of flowers, hovering in the air, allows you to enjoy the natural beauty of the resort, forgetting about problems and minor troubles. In combination with nature, the resort creates a fully complemented and balanced vacation, for children and adults, for the whole family.

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Tourists can independently go to Karlovy Vary, because another famous Czech resort is just 17 kilometers from Yakhimov. You can enjoy the beauty of the neighboring resort, which is also rich in attractions.

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