What is worth viewing in Abrau Durso?


Abrau Durso is a unique place that deserves it to visit, if only because this village is considered the center of wine tourism. It is located in the Krasnodar Territory in fourteen kilometers from Novorossiysk. There is a small pebble beach in the village, which from two sides is separated by rocks, followed by wild beaches. In the village of Urban-type Abrau-Durso, there are two recreation centers. This is a rather small village and its population is about four thousand people. The place is quite compact, but it is still here that. Here is the most interesting places of the village of Abrau-Durso, we will talk.

Factory of champagne wine . This is the only plant throughout Russia, which is engaged in the production of sparkling wines. Sparkling wines of this plant are in great demand and were repeatedly awarded for high quality. In arsenal awards, there are eighty-three gold medals, eighty nine silver, twelve bronze, and six Grand Prix. Sparkling wines in this factory are produced on French technology from such grape varieties like Pinoto-Fran, Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Chardonon. All wines are tested by exposure, which is at least three years. Wines are stored, at a depth of sixty meters, in two-story tunnels, the length of five kilometers. In total in tunnels, eight million bottles of delicious high-quality wine can be stored at the same time. In the same tunnels, there are special chairs for tasting, where visitors can enjoy delicious drinks and admire the situation.

What is worth viewing in Abrau Durso? 9519_1

Lake Abrau . A sufficiently large lake, which is located at an altitude of eighty-four meters above sea level. It is carefully protected by the surrounding mountains. This is a lake, rightly considered the main attraction of this place. Surprisingly, there is no accurate version of its origin, but there are two assumptions. According to one of such assumptions, the lake was formed from the ancient fresh sea who was once located here, and following another assumption, it appeared in the investigation of Karst Avala. Back in the fifties of the last century, a stormy life was boiling on this lake: on the shores of the lake, the reeds grew, in the thickets of which the birds were writing their nests, ondatras lived and the fish spawned. The lake was so attractive for a person that he was with good goals, they decided to emphas, but instead of the good, the lake was harmful and it began to stir. Due to the grain, the lake began to lose its depth and now it is only ten meters, although before the depth of Lake Arbau was thirty-five meters.

What is worth viewing in Abrau Durso? 9519_2

Monument L.Tesov . Made a monument from bronze, on request and for personal funds of local authorities. The height of the monument is 1.8 meters. It is on a small pedestal from marble, and behind him is the design of Balyasin, which are located in the form of a semicircle. The sculpture represents the actor in the image of the shepherd Hero from the famous film "Volga - Volga". The shepherd is fascinated by the game on the flute, the eyes are closed, and the head is highly raised. If you want to admire this monument, I will tell you how it can be found. He is on the Alley, which leads from the sparkling wine plant to the lake. Alley Pepit is a bright and pleasant eye, greens, and the unrelaxed from the monument you can see the cozy arbor, from which the magical one opens in its beauty, view of Lake Arbau.

What is worth viewing in Abrau Durso? 9519_3

Alley Rose . This is a small park, which is the most favorite holiday destination, among the locals and holidaymakers. Arches and arbors, between which the bushes are planted with fragrant tea roses of various colors and shades. It is possible to understand such attachments, the locals are quite possible, because it is difficult to imagine a better place for romantic dates, unhurried walks and pleasant conversations.

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Sculpture "bottle-throne" . A relatively young sculpture, which was opened in 2011, has already managed to become one of the most popular places in this village. The appearance, fully corresponds to the name, as the sculpture looks like the most real bottle of champagne in the form of a throne. On the bottle there is a sticker, the inscription on which the following says: "Feel yourself with the emperor in the bottle of the Imperial!". Not bad advertising move, as in my opinion. Sculpture, high enough and in height it reaches about three meters. The bottle is not sealed with a cork and from its neck foam in the form of fruits, the purpose of which is the reflection of a wide range of taste and aroma, sparkling Varnish Abrau-Dürso.

What is worth viewing in Abrau Durso? 9519_5

Shop "Grotto" . There is this shop, on the shore of Lake Arbau. It is not difficult to guess that it belongs to the plant of champagne wines. Very unusual room, since it is entirely completely, cut into the rock and can safely qualify for the name of the excursion facility. The store consists of two floors. On the first floor, buyers are offered a wide selection of sparkling wines of local production, for every taste and size of the wallet. On the second floor, there is a souvenir shop, and all the products that are presented here have a mark in the form of a symbolism of the village.

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Fountain "Champagne Spray" . Another name for this fountain is difficult to even come up with, because it is very much like an open bottle of champagne, which was preliminarily shocked the most thorough way. Such an effect was achieved thanks to a special nozzle, which is installed in the fountain.

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This fountain, though discovered quite recently, but he had already managed to turn legends, and the local newlyweds came up with a kind of ritual with a throwing coins in him. Appearance, the fountain has exactly the same as most of the fountains and is an eight-marginal reservoir, which is covered with decorative stone, and on top of it there are plates. On these plates, you can sit enjoying the cool, which gives a fountain. In general, it is very cool when there are such imuses of shops on the fountain, because it happens, especially in the summer heat, sit on the edge of the fountain with a bundle of ice cream in your hands and remember the carefree childhood, presenting themselves for a few seconds, again a happy and cheerful child.

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