Antalya coast of Turkey - Paradise for tourists


Of course, the most popular resort of Turkey is the so-called Antalya coast, covering Antalya, Alanya, Side and all small resort towns located in this territory. What does this resort area have, what is for rest?

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Tourism here is the main income for the local population, so residents "laid out full" in order to attract a greater number of foreign citizens. Each of the number of holidaymakers in the territory and Antalya and Alanya, as well as Side will find a different category of hotels. Here and club-type with a huge territory and its own infrastructure of hotels, there is more chamber type, calm and with a smaller number of tourists. But not only by hotels and services of Slavna Turkey and this tourist area. A country with a richest history that can be seen with his own eyes. Guides in hotels, as well as in tourist firms, which are many in every resort town and settlement, offer a large selection of tours and travel destinations in Turkey. You should not talk about sightseeing excursions by major cities, they probably visited most of Russian tourists. Among the most memorable was the trip to Cappadocya. He is far from Antalya, about 8 hours by bus, but the fact that there could be seen standing and temporary and physical costs. Nature has created something ambitious. In the rocky area there were tough houses of a cone-shaped form, in which people lived in ancient times. Many can be said about Cappadocia, but this is the topic of a separate story.

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From the Antalya coast, you can make tours in Pammukal (cotton castle), ride on the shoe along the Manya River and see the spit, separating the sea and the river, and also see one of the most beautiful waterfalls - Manavgat.

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From here you are offered a tour to the Demrem Mira-Kekova. This is a historic excursion in which you can visit the church of St. Nicholas, known as Santa Claus, see the famous rock burials and the amphitheater.

For young active tourists, Antalya-Alanya-Side resort is an opportunity to spend time on the beach and at the same time not lying on the chaise lounge, but to ride a water scooter, skiing, fly on a parachute. At night, a variety of cafes, nightclubs, restaurants. Undoubtedly, it is worth visiting a Turkish bath, as well as a Turkish evening. Here and will feed the national dishes and will also show spectacular dances, in which everyone can take part.

Remembering the once "spinning" on television advertising that Turkey is paradise, it is impossible to disagree. This also applies to the Antalya coast. Truly paradise for tourists.

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