Quizbia on the Greek Island Rhodes - the resort of the highest class!


Quizbia on the Greek Island Rhodes - the resort of the highest class! 9482_1

Long time I did not have in Greece. And Rhodes happened to visit me for the first time this year, in early June. Awesome place where you don't want to leave for anything! Quizbia I can call the best resort of Rhodes, and all Greece, in comparison with which no Mediterranean resort will go (in my opinion). There is something to see here! So it's not worth it and expect that you will only go to Rhodes to Rhodes, and swim in the purest sea.

Quizbia on the Greek Island Rhodes - the resort of the highest class! 9482_2

Awesome architecture, universally found on this Greek island, does not leave anyone indifferent. Antiquity, so successfully intertwined with modernity, inspires, admires, mentally tolerates for many centuries ago.

The most impressed by the Temple of Aphrodite and the ancient Acropolis. But it is worth visiting other attractions of the island: the Palace of the Grand Master, Park Rodini. You can walk here not even for hours, but for days! And from each corner of the island, you will certainly get completely new impressions, incredible energy.

I will note the marine aquarium located in the main city of Rhodes. Here you can see close to the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, like: Octopuses, sharks, Caracatians, Turtles, Sea skates. Never before I have not seen them so close! Is that in the zoo, but there are no scales there.

The streets are paved with a medieval paving, which gives a certain sophistication to the whole walk through the old town. And with this, close to all majestic architectural attractions, caresses the Mediterranean Sea coast. Warm sun, screams of chaps, the sound of the surf - all this pacifies the tired Russian soul, requiring peace and privacy. And that's what we all dream of noisy weekdays in our city - a full rest on the seashore, on the island, where not only possible, but also you need to walk, enjoying every moment.

Quizbia on the Greek Island Rhodes - the resort of the highest class! 9482_3

The perfect resort is definitely! Both warm, sunny weather, and some kind of life of the local population, and a small (which is strange) tourists' cluster - everything has to forget that it is left before your vacation, about unfulfilled affairs, about any problems. You just enjoy and do not think at all about anything.

My 8 days on the island very quickly flew. I visited all the famous sights of the island, soaked on a great beach, bought in warm and clean sea. I really wanted to try and Greek wine (I remember from childhood on the movies that it is awesome) - I could not have kept, it was stopped! ;) But you know, whether wine is weak in Greece, whether we are not clear that, but my head from the fortified, weathered wine, did not hurt after!

If anyone is interested in nightlife on the island, then here, as everywhere there are their nightclubs. There are big, there are small. But I was not in any of them. And all because living music and national dances of local ensembles, which are in good taverns, they attracted me much more.

I can not say that the island, with all his gifts for tourists, cheap. You can eat here (dinner tight) somewhere for 1000 rubles. Excursions are paid (but they stand).

Quizbia on the Greek Island Rhodes - the resort of the highest class! 9482_4

For myself, I chose the resort of Rhodes, called Kolimbia. This is a quiet place. However, if there is a desire to more actively relax on the water, then I recommend going to Yalisos. There you can go windsurfing, ride on various water rides. Well, those who do not interest attractions at all, but I want to soak on the purest beach under the noise of the surf, you should go to the resort of Califa. All resorts are relatively close to each other. Therefore, if you do not like one, originally selected option, you can safely move to another corner of the island!

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