What is interesting to see Krasnoyarsk?


A comfortable and comfortable place to stay, but which is now modern Krasnoyarsk, appreciated in antiquity. Archaeologists managed to establish that the first settlements here were still at the time of the upper Paleolithic, and this is about thirty-five thousand years ago. The official date of the foundation of the city is considered to be 1628, but there is a version, following which, the city of Krasnoyarsk was based on a quarter of a century earlier. However, we will not go into historical disputes, leave doubts and discussion to the court to the scientific minds of mankind. Let's better take a little journey through the most interesting places of this amazing city, and let our journey be virtual, it will not be less intriguing from this.

Reserve "Krasnoyarsk Poles" . On three sides, the natural boundaries of the reserve are the right tributaries of the Yenisei River. The reserve itself, fits tightly to the city feature. Call it small, simply does not turn the language, since it spreads out in the territory of 47, 2 thousand hectares. The first mention of the reserve, dating in the eighties of the eighteenth century, but in those days, this area attracted only its picturesque places for hunting. Alpinists are the same time, pillars interested only only a century later. The real popularity, this area received at the end of the nineteenth and at the beginning of the twentieth century. During this period, all travelers were considered a debt of honor, to visit this place. It is thanks to such popularity, the locals in 1925 and decided to create a formal reserve here. The creation of the reserve, pursued another goal, as the locals in such a way wanted to protect the richest and unique natural complexes that surrounded the stone poles. In total on the territory of the reserve, there are approximately one hundred rocks, which are divided into two categories "pillars" and "wild pillars". The first category is entirely available to tourists, but the second, is in the hinting corners of the reserve and access to them is considered limited. Like a hundred fifty years ago, the reserve is actively taking tourists from around the world. For all the time of its existence, there was a social movement with the thematic name - "pillars".

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Monument "Tsar-Fish" . The opening of the monument was dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the writer Viktor Astafieva. A significant event took place for residents of the city, relatively recently in 2004. Since then, the monument that personifies the eternal struggle of a man with nature, is a kind of symbol of Krasnoyarsk. What does the monument look like? The main character is a sturgeon, which is a symbol of the taming and mastering of nature. Since the monument is created in honor of the product of the same name, the decoding of it is based on the meaning of the work itself. The short content of the fairy tales, about the following: a difficult struggle arises between man and fish, as a result of which the fish manage to get away from the pursuer to the marine punching, but there are very many hooks in her body. The monument composition includes an open book that is eighty centimeter stand. All who at least once saw this sculpture remained under a huge impression of the detailing of the monument, because not only scales, but also traces from hooks are clearly visible on the fish.

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Peace Avenue . This central street of the city, which has a little more than two centuries of existence. For the whole period, the street repeatedly changed the names. Initially, the street was called big, then she became a resurrection, a little later she was renamed Soviet, after she became Stalin's avenue, and only after that a prospect of the world. Along the street, there is a sufficient number of historical and architectural monuments of the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Among the most prominent and interesting complex of Schegolevsky Craft School, House of Turepina, Teresk, Gadalov, Danilov, Vasilyeva, Polyakova, Manor Kuznetsova, Building of Women's Progmentation, Trading House Revilon Brothers, Forestry Institute, House of Spiritual Brotherhood, Diocese School, Cahanedovskaya Typography, Building Management of the Krasnoyarsk Railway and still a lot of interesting buildings, with a very interesting story.

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Communal Bridge over Yenisei . The opening of the bridge, took place in the month of 1961. Before the discovery, this automobile and pedestrian bridge, crossing over the river, was carried out on a recruiting pontoon bridge, and at a more earlier time - along the flood bridge. Actively operated boat station and ferry crossings. Above the project of this bridge, which significantly simplified the message, P. A. Egorov and K. K. Ivashova worked. Noteworthy is the fact that the builders who erected the municipal bridge were awarded the Lenin Prize. In order to see this bridge, you do not need to go to Krasnoyarsk, for this it is enough to take in the hands of ten ruble banknotes. By the way, the width of the bridge is 23.4 meters, and the height is twenty-six meters.

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Monument "White Horse" . Seeing this monument for the first time, it's hard to believe that there is no real horse in front of your eyes. It seems that she is - here I will hit the hoof and goes into a gallop, but no. The opening of the monument, took place in 2006, accurate on the city day. Dedicated this composition to the pioneers in Siberia. There is a legend according to which the Voivode Andrei Dubensky, along with his army in the seventeenth century, landed on the shore of Yenisei, threw a stone and authoritatively stated that the city would be built here. The horse on which he arrived in these edges remained peacefully resting on the shore.

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Here, just this scene and perpetuated in this sculpture. It was made by a horse, according to ancient technology made of adhesive iron. The horse's rise has a real, which is about one and a half meters, and the weight in it is four hundred and thirty kilograms. A horse that drinks water is not the only element of the composition. Near the horse, there are granite boulders, three of which are highlighted by their dimensions. On one boulder - a sculpture is installed, the Cossack attribute is on the second, and on the third there is an image of a font, which is very much reminded by a stream.

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