Crete - Our Paradise Corner


Crete Island is a luxurious place, just a fabulous paradise, never believed that such beauty really exists. I always thought it was just a photoshop to attract tourists. Photo from this rest is similar to postcards. Cote d'Azur, Golden Sand, Palms and White Boats .... Greece, I fell in love with you for life. Small cozy bungalows, decorated with flowers in which you want to stay forever. Friendly smiles of locals. And in general, Greek positive and skill have fun. Enjoy life and do not think about problems. On Crete, it's just impossible to walk intense, the nature itself relaxes you.

Do not forget, of course, that Crete is known and its cultural significance. I madly wanted to visit Zeus's cave, and we also decided to visit Mal.

Zeus cave met us with a steep rise, we were offered to ride on the donkeh, but I treat these animals somewhat incredulously, and there was a sorry for money. But the rise was worth what we saw inside. In general, I love mythology, so I was insanely interested to visit the place where, according to legend, was born and spent the first years of the life of Zeus. But the most vivid impression on me made a view that opens with this cave on the Lasiti Valley. Incredible beauty!

I liked the Mality to me a little less, but I am glad that I also visited. Ruins of the Old Town and Palace ... There are fascinating, in my opinion, photos.

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But despite the rich culture, conquered me Crete with his sea coast.

Now I regret a little that it traveled so little in the cultural places of the island, but at that time I wanted to just not sleep in the sun, sunbathe and swim, at least loading my brain. Returning from the rest, I promised myself that I would definitely go there, and this time I fulfill the cultural program in full.

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Do not forget that in the summer in Crete very strong winds, when we rested, they just started, but they managed to deliver certain inconveniences. So, you need to be ready. I transferred the heat there easily enough, maybe again due to the fact that he spent a lot of time on the beach. In the evenings, we tried either to get into some kind of town (most often Agios), or just participate in the next entertainment program of the hotel, and several times we just went ashore to accompany the sunsets and meet the dawns. We rested along with my young man, and 2 weeks in Crete were simply continuous two weeks of romance ... If it were not yet people around, I would seriously believe that we were in paradise.

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