Why is Iiya Napa?


Ayia Napa - the most youth resort on the island of Cyprus, the place where the atmosphere of the rest, calm, the place where you smile and try to help in any question, a place where you do not think about anything and just peaceful and morally resting!

In this review, I will tell you about the advantages of relaxing at this resort, about places that you should visit, and just share useful information.

I rested in Cyprus last year and after a stunning vacation, I wanted to return there again! This is a really amazing and beautiful country with very kind people who inspire confidence. If we talk about Ayia, then this is the heart of the youth resort of the island, neither at one resort I have not yet seen so many young people, especially at night! Therefore, to find a soul mate in this romantic place is quite real!

But I went to the resort, first of all, for the sake of a stunning clean and warm sea! Ayia Napa Beaches are very well-kept, clean and beautiful! But it is worth paying attention to that they are municipal, and therefore paid! Two sun loungers and the large umbrella from the Sun accounted for about 8 euros per day for two. You could also rest with your sea covers for the sea for free. I want to write about the beaches a little more. In the level of its purity, some of them were awarded the Blue Flag of the EU, on the same I rest.

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He was called "Blue Lagoon". The sea ... the sea words do not describe ... Clean, warm, azure, lullabies, gentle ... you can write a lot, but words do not convey. It seems like in Turkey, it is Mediterranean, but in Cyprus it is special!

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What I still liked Cyprus, this is the fact that you are not tied to the hotel, as in Egypt, you become a full-fledged resident of the resort, walking shopping, taverns, restaurants, visit the moon park, water park, even the museum is! I liked the port very much - the most popular place among tourists is a quiet harbor with elegant snow-white yachts and pleasure boats.

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But when I started feeling a feeling of hunger, then most of all I was starting to like the restaurant "Ocean Basket" - the best restaurant of seafood in Cyprus! Excellent service, friendly staff, freshly prepared dishes, delicious taste and unusual portions size!

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I advise you to start to take one portion for two, because everything can not eat. The average cost of dinner for two accounted for about 20-25 euros.

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Given the above, paying attention to the perfect sea, amazing nature and very tasty cuisine, I advise you when planning a vacation, look in the direction of this unforgettable resort!

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