Rest season in Berlin. When is it better to go to Berlin on vacation?


Best Dates in Berlin

Whenever you arrived in Berlin, no one promises to you with good weather and therefore it is worth planning to plan on those dates when Berlin rushes from all over Germany. Two such dates, both in winter: meeting New Year and Green Week . And on weekends in the first week of August, the event "Local" passes, but very interesting: Berlin Beer Mily . Of course, other interesting widespread events are held in Berlin: Carnival of cultures of the world in early June in Kreuzberg, with dancing of national and sexual minorities. But I personally do not like him and I do not consider it interesting. But the wonderful youth LoveParade Berlin expelled, and it ended tragically. Because only wide Berlin streets-axes could take such a vagnon number of participants. But back in interesting events and their dates ...

Sylvester (New Year) in Berlin at the Brandenburg gate on a giant disco in the open sky.

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New Year's meeting at the Brandenburg Gate is a stunning and unforgettable event. Of course, people of different age come there, but it is considered a grand youth party. Heating to meet the New Year comes every year about a million people.

On the segment between the triumphal column and the Brandenburg Gate, on July 17th , Scenes are standing and there is a grand Open-Air Party. Two kilometer segments will stand kiosks with food and anclamp.

The passage to the city center stops around 7 pm, but it is better to watch the time when it is planned and come a little earlier. Because if people are gathered too much, it will not be possible to go through. The program is a little change every year. For example, 2014 was met by a giant handicap. On the whole segment there are scenes, the program is exclusively youth: Live-Bands, DJs, famous Countdown (Benda, Jazz, Country, Rock ..). The program is accompanied by laser shock. In addition, at the time of the new year, there will be a giant firework. Who exactly will perform on the last day of 2014 it becomes known in November. In 2013/14, there were 260 groups from around the world, including Headliner Scooter, Heino and Hermes House Band.

Protecting begins in the day, December 30, from 14 o'clock there are rehearsals for which you can also see. It is possible to poster at the rehearsal and from 14 to 18.30 hours at December 31, the center will not be adhered. From 18.30, the divvege will begin. It will be possible not only to listen to musical performances, but also to warm up the dance. From 21 and to 0.30 hours there is a live broadcast of the ZDF channel about a new year meeting in Berlin.

It is easiest to reach the main station (Hauptbanhof) with S-Bahn: S5, S7, S75 lines and walk or from there on U 55 to the Brandenburg Gate.

The celebration will be at other points of the city: AlexanderPalatz (Alex), on the Spray Spree. Military party will go in all clubs and disco. Of course the new year in Berlin is interesting to meet everyone, but it is considered to be the most grandgetary youth party of Europe! Free admission.

Berlin Green Week - Grand event for fans to eat.

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The International Green Week or just a green week (Grüne Woche) collects fans to eat from all over the country, whatever they say about its international meeting program and political events and conferences. This is a consumer exhibition, not wholesale. She passes at the Messe Berlin exhibition complex. The square is huge and therefore at the exhibition several entrances, North, South and East. Entrance to the exhibition is paid, about 7 €. But in practice less than 200 € per day you do not finish, because you always want to try and buy with you. The average spending of the same feather per day, taking into account children, is 115 €, so 200 € per tourist taking into account the input ticket - the figure is not overwhelmed. In addition to food on it, household appliances sell (vacuum cleaners, electrical appliances for the kitchen), home saunas, greenhouses, plant seeds.

Since the exhibition is huge: 26 pavilions on the square of 160 thousand square meters. Meters make sense to start with what you are more interesting. And it makes sense to plan in advance what you want to see and eat. Visits the exhibition more than 400 thousand people. The exhibition usually passes from the third week of January, in 2015 it will be held January 16-25.

So, a couple of tips:

S41, S42, S46 - MESSE NORD / ICC stop. This entry, if you roll left leads to pavilions with German beer, you will pass through the kiosks with fish and get into the pavilions of different countries (usually Italy, France and other European countries). And it is so easiest to go to huge gardening pavilions, among whom the Holland shines first. There you can buy plant seeds. And in turning to the right you will immediately leave for German pavilions, broken through federal lands and regions. This road will end in the "deadlock" agricultural pavilions. There are similar rocks of animals, and others present the ministry and various institutions with their programs to popularize knowledge about agriculture. If you come with children, then you should go there.

U-Bahn - KaiserDammy stop bus x34, x49, 104, 139, 218, 349. This is a side oriental entrance. It will lead you immediately to the center of the international exposure and turning left you immediately fall into gardening.

S75, S3 - Stop Messe Süd. Pavilions begin with Russia. This is a huge independent pavilion and the symbolic keys from him a couple of years ago were presented to us. There will be one of the halls of international (but not the fact that through other entrances) and directly and left agricultural expositions. Turning once again to the left you will also come in this way to the western wing (there is no entrance for visitors) with animals and educational exposures. And if you go through several halls right, then in the small halls of the press center, find all former Soviet republics and various exotic countries with distant continents. It is there that all sorts of African and Asian products and many small, but very interesting pavilions are sold.

In one day, all of course you do not see everything. On the green week there are always a lot of people, but Berliners come on the weekend and therefore sometimes do not push back at all. Coming better on weekdays and for all day. And have cash with you. Money to remove certainly there is where, but to run.

Berlin Beer Festival or Berlin Beer Mile.

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It takes place in the first weekend of August, from Friday and until Sunday. Throughout Karl Marx, Alley, in East Berlin (not to be confused with Karl Marx Strasse in Western), the brewing from all over the world, selling beer spinning. The entrance is free. It is convenient to get to Alexander Plaz, and transfer to the subway line U 5.

You can exit on any of the stops U 5: Strausberger Platz, WeberWiese and on Frankfurter Tor. It is better to come at noon on Friday, because on the weekend it's just not to push around. Mile is divided into 22 plots whose rooms hang on the poles. With yourself have cash. It is best for 15 € to buy a community of the Probier promotion and then it will be for $ 1.5 to pour in 100 ml. Otherwise, you will simply quickly leave the game, although the snack here is also selling here too. Bavarian regions are the first, just in the area of ​​Strausberger Platcas. And almost immediately behind them, Belgium begins with her trapist beer (this is the seventh segment). You can come to the easiest, on Frankfurter Tor, then you will find yourself closer to the northern types, there is a beer, but on the 18 segment you will be waiting for Czech beer! Going out in the center you will find yourself the neighbors of Polish brewery, Russian Baltic and the rest of the German regions. Since approximately 3.5,000 brands of beer at an exhibition, then the power of course you need to calculate in advance! Some will sell and beer in the bits, it can be taken with you. There are still souvenirs there, but a little.

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