Reborn Dresden.


The city-Phoenix, burned almost dodged and, literally, revived from the ash. The cradle of classical art, so ruthlessly destroyed during the war years. In Dresden, they covered contradictory feelings. On the one hand, I looked at the city, I saw old beautiful buildings ... But, on the other, the idea that all this was not preserved, but only a restructuring of what was before, somehow disappointed.

In general, Dresden is a very small city, I got the impression that you can get around

in a couple of hours. Or it is only in the center everything is so close.

Of course, the main business card of Dresden - the Cathedral of Our Lady. A place from which it is simply impossible to quickly tear his eyes. But despite the beauty, most of all we were surprised by this mysterious elevator in the middle of the square, going right underground. Perhaps he attracts the attention of only Russian tourists ... But we are still interested in its purpose. There is an observation deck on the cathedral on which you can climb for a small fee, you can see the whole city with it. View of stunning. Only on that day, when we rose, there was a very strong wind, and, unfortunately, we could not be there for a long time, since they frozen.

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Also in Dresden, many interesting monuments. I especially remember one pedestal dedicated to the solar system. The asphalt is located the icons of the planets, and in the center the sun, on which you can sit in, both in the chair, and, thus, to be in the very center of the universe.

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Of course, if you were in Dresden, then they are simply obliged to visit the famous Dresden Art Gallery. We were especially lucky: when we were in Germany at the famous painting of Rafael "Sextinskaya Madonna" was an anniversary, in honor of which a special exhibition was organized on this canvase. On us with a friend, this work made a very strong impression. I do not know if our professions are associated with art, or because of the mysterious charm of the picture itself, but we could not take a look from her almost half an hour.

But there was one thing that disappointed me very much in the Dresden Gallery. Local kiosks will die with all sorts of reproductions of famous canvases. Magnitics, key chains, notebooks, in my opinion, this is normal, but here toilet paper depicting an angel from "Madonna" Rafael looks just blaspheme! This is an elementary disrespect for a talented Creator!

It's nice to walk not only inside the gallery itself, but also outside. Small fountains, elegant sculptures, cozy lawns ... All this gives a feeling of some light and elevated mood.

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At the end I would like to note that Dresden is definitely a beautiful city, but there is something artificial in it. I do not know if it is connected with the fact that he was rebuilt again, or he was originally so "too made", but in this city, for me, you can only come, but it would be uncomfortable to live in it.

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