Why do tourists choose Heidelberg?


Why in Heidelberg?

Whether to go to Heidelberg, or as Heidlberg was called in the old literature - a question that is not even worth asked! Well, of course go! This is one of the most visited cities visited by tourists. Especially loved by Americans and the Japanese. He is very, very German, just the quintessence of our ideas about Germany!

Located a city in the economic conglomeration of Rhine-necar, the most economically significant city in her manneham. The city takes place to the federal Land of Baden-Württemberg. Note only 150 thousand.

The first thing that comes to mind with the word Heidelberg is of course the university. Who only did not study! Today, he is famous for the best medical faculty in the country. But in it there are generally many scientific and educational institutions, in fact, by science, he and Slary. The city is very lively, student, there are many theaters, cafes, forums. He fell into Russian literature as a quiet town of self-satisfied small burghers. This is not true! In any case, today it is already another city!

The city is very ancient, there were both Romans and Celts. The bombing of the Second World War did not touch him. The climate is so warm that many southern trees and wild parrots grow. Idyllo, of course, slightly spoils the cement plant. The city does not apply to the cheap cities of Germany and the tourist needs to remember. So, what to see where to go, what to try?

The most interesting thing in the city is the old town - Altstadt Epoch Baroque . It houses most attractions. Pedestrian of the Old Town is considered the longest in Europe.

Main attractions.

Khaidelberg castle, or rather his ruins Known with his huge wine barrel. He was destroyed in the war for the Pafaltsky inheritance, in which the liberated title of Kurfürst was divided between 1689 - 1693, and only partly was restored. The season was transferred to Manheim, and the castle was left and left the pretty Ruin and even led the railway. From the northern slope of Mount Kaisshtul, the Valley of Neckar is clearly visible.

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Old Most Through Nar, the oldest famous Bridge of Germany, he received it today in 1788. During the war, his retreating troops blew him, but already in 1947 the bridge was restored. The bridge has a wonderful gate, and the best view of it opens from Church of the Holy Spirit which, like the ruins of the castle, dominates the city. Today it belongs to the evangelical confession.

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In Heidelberg, by the way, the reformation won. The church also suffered greatly during the times of religious wars, but it was restored. She is not very similar to the church of the south of Germany.

On the pedestrian there is the oldest church of the Old Town - Peterkirch . The time of its construction is about 800. In the Middle Ages, she was a challenge of the university and in it the graves of about 150 professors. Today, she is also evangelical, there is even planted "Oak Luther" - the symbol of the importance of this place for Lutheran. At the time of the counter-door in Heidelberg were of course the Jesuits. In the Jesuita quarter, the Church of Jesuits remained and in it, of course, organ. The churches were built here at the beginning of the 20th century in the style of historicism, rethinking old architectural styles. This is the evangelical Church of Christ (1904) and Catholic St. Bonifacea, both in the western part of the city. N and that's not all. Fans of church architecture can look nearby Church of Providence, St. Vitus, Abbey Neuburg and the acting monastery ...

Hydelberg architecture is also very interesting. Altstatde is the hotel buildings "Knight" (Zum Ritter). This is a house of 1592, belonging to a rich family of weaves. This house and the Church of the Holy Spirit are the two most popular sights of the city's attractions.

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In the eastern part of the city, Karlstor is interesting - memorial arch and a gift to citizens Kurfrrt Carlo Theodore. In general, there are many interesting buildings in Heidelberg and therefore tourists are often simply limited to the tour of the city, bypassing the museums. Well, for example: Town Hall and Fountain of Hercules, of course, the body of the univocity itself (old anatomy, Old University) Badenskoe distance, Wormskoye house, Dutch house, travelers, Villa Bosch, Palace Morass, Weimar Palace, Palace Mittermeier, Boist Boisserée, Great Palace, and T .P. Nationalists built a theater here in Greek style. In general, it is quite possible to limit itself to the sightseeing guide.

Museum expanse.

But for lovers of museums here, too, Razdat! Part of the museums belong to the university, part of firms and part of the city. In the palace of Morass is Museum Kurpaltsa With archaeological collection and paintings by the senior crane. Of course there is a museum and in the castle. There is a museum of folk art of different peoples, the Egyptological Museum, Museum of Native Art (Cajeth House), Museum of Sinti and Roma, Karl Bosha Technical Museum, Museum of Packaging, Sacred Art Museum and Liturgy, Pharmacy Museum, Sport Museum. The university owns a collection of articulate psychiatric psychiatrist Princeton, archaeological collection of excavations in the south of Iraq in Uruk, Tuberculosis Museum, Museum of History of Chemical Devices, Museum of Roman Culture, Museum of Tram, Even the Museum Student Carester! Of course there are a botanical garden in Heidelberg, and a zoo, and local lore museums are at all 6! This list is incomplete. When the "Long Museum Night" passes, the ticket is acting vocabulary with the cities of Ludwigshafen and Mannheim. This is the second largest meeting of museums after Berlin!

Beautiful climate, good wines and hearty food.

In Heidelberg, beautiful wines, German cuisine is well represented in the old town. Here, as always, there are satisfying samples of dough or potatoes: Swabian sleeper, tools (pockets of dough with meat, spinach), in the season of asparagus, potato mascat with muscat 'potato round dumplings. Well, of course, meat cuts, baked pork, steering wheel. But despite a good beer - the main thing is still wine! And an apple pie will be pleased with the dessert, dumpfunode ("semi-collebrok" ​​in vanilla sauce), casserole of sweet cherry with bun bread and cinnamon. By the way, you can try or buy a shell with you. Her German name is Dinkel or the Swabian grain. Very useful and healing product. Unlike the Schvab's Schnaps ...


Why do tourists choose Heidelberg? 9449_4

So in Heidelberg you need not just to visit, but the rest is longer. So long as you will allow finance in this extremely popular tourist city!

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