Where can I eat in the tree?


An amazing and fairly extraordinary Polish resort, attracted public attention as an excellent place for ski seasonal skiing in the winter season, as well as excellent, warm, and most importantly, a very picturesque place for summer holidays, which involves walking around the surroundings of the Vistula and pedestrian tracks.

It is here that it combines a fairly versatile rest, active, with more passive and leisurely. The infrastructure of the city is well developed, which allows tourists to choose not only placement places, but also the gastronomic establishments that the resort is filled.

Kitchen Vistula, like the whole country, quite colorful, and is represented by the most diverse dishes, both regional and common, characteristic Polish culture.

For example, a purely traditional institution Karczma Ondraszkowa Izba. which is located at UL. 1-Go Maja 56.

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Here you can order dishes of invoking Polish cuisine, which will help you feel the flavor of local delicacies and get acquainted, thereby with the true Polish culture. After all, this is one of its most important indicators. The establishment is quite inexpensive, so you can safely order any dishes. The inner interior is very beautiful and exquisite, and the cooked dishes are really tasty and fresh. Given the fact that the restaurant is located in the heart of the city, it is almost always crowded here, but despite this, the service is quite fast, without delay.

The restaurant offers an excellent beer choice, and in winter it is possible to warm up by the fireplace. It is necessary to order a sheep cheese in cranberry sauce, as well as amazing desserts, such as hot cake from apples with ice cream and raspberry compotes. The quality of cooked dishes is perfectly combined with a price presented.

Moreover, the restaurant offers an excellent selection of children's dishes, including thematic children's dishes, so you can go here with the whole family, not experiencing food quality.

Offers Polish dishes and institutions Karczma U Karola. located at Kopydlo 117.

It also offers a beautiful view of the mountains, and cooked dishes are characterized by quite large portions, therefore, before ordering too much food, I advise you to check the size of the portions so as not to overpay.

In the summer you can sit on the summer terrace, enjoying the warmth and pleasant taste of Polish dishes. Try the pasta, according to the chef's prescription, as well as desserts or cakes that are famous for almost all the places of Vistula. The inner interior of the institution is made in romantic tones with muted light.

At 106 Wyzwolenia is located a fairly popular city institution. Alcatraz Restaurant, Which offers American cuisine.

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The establishment is made in accordance with theme, here you can order American cuisine, such as sandwiches, hamburgers, drinks, a variety of salads and other thematic dishes. In addition, the institution is distinguished by acceptable prices, of course, in a tourist style.

It is always very crowded and fun here, tourists come here to a little diversify their vacation and acquire additional acquaintances, because to ride more fun together. In the warm season, travelers are located on the summer terrace.

And here Saloon Restaurant, Located at Cieslarow 15 A, strikes with its indoor interior, which is more reminiscent of a modern American cave, chic decorated and equipped.

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The restaurant is located in a more secluded part of the Vistula, the journal. Just a unique institution. Offering a romantic pastime in a cozy atmosphere. American dishes are prepared here, among which are simply excellent steaks. After a pleasant dinner, you can order additional entertainment, such as horseback riding, skiing or quad bikes and much more. Here always plays live music in the style of Country, which adds points to the institution. Prices are not much different from prices in ordinary restaurants of the city.

Universal institution Restauracja Pizzeria Sofa. located at UL. 1-GO Maja 43, offers guests of Italian cuisine, a variety of pizza variations, as well as fast food.

The establishment is distinguished by acceptable prices and beautiful dishes, there is an opportunity to lay down ingredients for pizza on their own. Be sure to order the paste, which is close to the original Italian. The service here is quite fast, although the institution is in demand in tourist circles. The internal interior of the institution is decorated in accordance with the theme.

The establishment is also popular CHATA OLIMPIJCZYKA JASIA I Helenki which is located at ROWNICA, which is in the foothills gołębiewski.

The restaurant is made in the style of the cottage and is distinguished by a rather warm and pleasant atmosphere. The menu is arranged in a mountain style and offers in addition to Polish dishes, also some raisins, like mint tea, which usually drink in the mountains. Traditional dishes are also prepared with a certain local flavor, so that the atmosphere and tourists came here again and again. The kitchen is very tasty, so you can order whatever your soul, because dishes will be fresh and amazing. The price category of the institution is average, so you should not expect too low prices.

A restaurant Olimpia. which is located at UL. KOPYDLO 111, offers an excellent romantic atmosphere and excellent Polish dishes.

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The interior is made in a traditional style, in pleasant pastel colors with wooden furniture, there are live flowers on the tables, music playing. Be sure to try the salad here in combination with fried chicken, as well as bread sticks with garlic. It is worth considering that the portions are large enough, so you should not order too much food right away. The restaurant is in great demand, because with such a pleasant atmosphere and dish dishes, the price range is quite low, which adds popularity to the institution. Maintenance at height, waiters are very friendly and friendly, and also quite patient, which is especially nice if you do not know the Polish language and choose a dish for a long time.

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