Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil)


My vacation in Ternopol last lasted for a short time, a day and a half. The main purpose of arrival was the trip on the castles of the Ternopil region. We visited the city a week after Easter, when there are holidays for Easter fun, such as hacks, extensive and others.

The trip was very rich and memorable. First of all, the city struck with its purity and approach to Western culture. It was the first city visited by me in Western Ukraine. Therefore, the impression was very pleasant. Despite the fact that the rural population prevails in the Ternopil region, and it is a little felt in the city itself, the culture is at a sufficiently high level, and the mentality of citizens is quite peculiar. It is far from always welcome to the noisy loud companies visitors, but, nevertheless, we are glad to tourists.

And before the arrival, I was a patriot of my country, but hearing all sorts of stories and most importantly, visiting and sawing the exhibits in the museum of political prisoners, pictures in the head suddenly came to life. In essence, it was not even exhibits, but the most real balances of the picture of the prisoners convicted for the disadvantage of power. The lessons of Ukrainian literature, about the era of poets-dissidents, as well as stories about Vasil Stus, who was concluded in the chambers, similar to what we saw, manifested right in our eyes. And there was a camera just in the basement of an ordinary building. And there were many such in the country. This fact so struck and sang in the soul that I wanted to cry rightly and do something for the benefit of my homeland. In the Kiev Museum of the Holodomor, where the number of victims who died in the tragedy was more, it does not affect how this little dungeon in the middle of a big city. The premises on which we passed, previously served the management of the NKVD-KGB in the city of Ternopil by a detention facility. The whole struggle of communist regimes with nationalists is shown here.

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Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_2

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Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_5

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_6

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_7

For those who have not particularly impressed the conditions for living prisoners, there is an opportunity to live a day in those conditions. Among other things, the current conditions are not particularly close to that reality - there is neither lice or rotting food, and and sit, and sleep on the cold floor is not allowed.

The inhabitants of Ternopil are quite religious, which I had to make sure, taking part in the festival of Easter fun. Hailives - it was so fun and unusual. Here we saw how traditions are valued, how seriously they treat them, as rejoicing, participating in them. We drove dance simply on the square in front of the Dominican church. Local guys sang funny songs, we kept hands, and, except dance, drove, as in the game "Rouh" dances and dances. Everything is filled with a special meaning and is directed to the glorification of a new life. In each area, their special traditions in carrying out such festive events, so, in fact, we fell into a special authentic action and took part in it. It was unforgettable.

In the middle of the city there is a park with an amazingly beautiful nature, well-groomed and with green grass, for which you want to lie down and relax. What not europe? The main beauty in the middle of the park is the smooth of the Ternopil Pond, stretching far away. On it even organized movement on the boat. In the park, wooden sculptures and a small waterfall. Everything is very well maintained and literally created for rest. You get great pleasure by visiting these places.

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Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_9

Now engineer the curtain of the Ternopil region. We ignored it north and south, going to almost the same distances. The region is so rich in all sorts of ruins of castles and well-preserved mansions, which is practically every step there is something to see. In some places, museums with a paid entrance are organized, and somewhere there are no signs with the fact that the treasure opens in front of our eyes. Around green, and nature pleases with its beauty and the fact that no one is encroaching on her, so unusual for the eyes of the usual resident of large cities.

To begin with, we went to the north of the Ternopil region. There were visited the Hetman Palace in Vishnevze, as well as the ruins of the church.

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Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_11

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_12

Further, going back to the north, got into the amazing town - Kremenets. At the top of the mountain, from which an amazing view of the city was opened, we met a local guide, which for a very reasonable fee was glad to tell all the secrets and legends of Ruins, once former fortresses and castles. After listening to several stories, we were going to run away, but he did not let us go until the verse read and did not give some calendars with icons. The kind of ruins was impressive, and the view of the city seemed even more beautiful.

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Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_14

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_15

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Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_18

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_19

On the way back we visited the amazing fortress in the city of Zbarazh. There is a formal museum and all the beauty you can see, being under the attentive gaze of the Museum.

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Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_21

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_22

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_23

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_24

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_25

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_26

The next day we went to the south of the region, where they visited the geological attraction of nature in the village of Krivchee - Crystal caves. They have a year-round air temperature reaches +11 degrees Celsius. After we went to the Chervonograd castle, located on immense earth expanses. Around only nature, and on the elevation of the remains of the castle towers. Apparently, it was an extraordinary beauty structure, which, unfortunately, was so badly preserved to the present day. He was destroyed by war, and last year half of one of the towers collapsed.

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Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_28

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_29

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_30

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_31

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_32

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_33

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_34

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_35

Cultural and cozy Ternopil (Fayan Misto Ternopil) 9437_36

The next point of our trip was the Yazlovtsky Castle, and after him were ruins in Buchach.

The beauty of the Ternopil region is moving all the boundaries. So many amazing places for one trip still worth searching. Churches, temples, castles and their ruins, estates and amazing beauty of nature. Shut down to travel without doubting, Ternopil left no one indifferent.

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