Korcula: The embodiment of Croatian surprises


At the most romantic island of Adriatic found himself by chance. Accompanied the group of kids in opate, terribly tired, because the rest of the parents were tightened, quickly folded the duties of the free teacher, saying that I want to relax. Where to go, did not think, just poked into the map. The island of Korchula fell. He met me with friendly streets, fascinating the old towers-palaces, a gentle breeze and a delicate sun, in general, in Croatski calmly and friendly.

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Features are preventive, residents of Korcula are ready to ensure the convenience of tourists in a cake to break. Of course, if the guests say in Croatski or German. The question in the language of the Motherland of Kaisers, what to see and where to settle, rushed into the crowd to the elderly ladies, and one of them already leads me to his own family board, and then pulls for a walk. Slowly walk along the charming courtyards of numerous monasteries, banging about the amazing ability of the previous rebels of these places to treat herbs, independently grown near the churches. Now only flowers are bred here.

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In the city, which was "born" on the relaxation island, not taken to rush. It was so he was heard: the main temple - the Cathedral of St. Mark - they were erected 150 years; They were not afraid to live without a decent sanctuary. Trade, respectively, is a stepwise. On the streets of strict young young ladies in ethnic clothes without fuss advertise souvenirs, sellers in the market calmly perceive the desire of shoppers to consider everything, touch. We are pushed with a firepad in the bazaar of three hours. Embroidery, ceramic things, lace, wool products - eyes scatter.

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Pleasant gifts for friends friends buy even on the street, but fruit-vegetables - only on the open market. I did not obey the new acquaintance, took the gifts of nature from some street merchant, poisoned. However, it did not prevent me from actively practicing in snorkeling, diving, catering art. Even took part in one of the safari on such boats! Swang to the island of Lulleyz. The journey ended in original: wine tasting from local cellars.

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I again persistently try the fault to me when, on the recommendation of the state of fire, went to the fish picnic, organized by the local rest bureau. Drinks are simply amazing: sparkling, soft, with aristocratic aftertaste. The cost of the gastronomic micro round was in the summer of 2006 30 euros. Other "culinary" travels, alas, no. I note that on the island and the city of the same name is good only by sea souls, like me. Entertainment in the region is connected exclusively with the Adriatic. Those who do not want to make rowing, swim, dive, the local recreational agencies offer to go to cruises, go fishing, walk along the shore at night.

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