Where to go with children in Cesis?


Today Rest in Latvia It is quite diverse and inexpensive. Drive with children will bring the joy of the whole family.

"Ozolkalns" -park adventure.

Where to go with children in Cesis? 9398_1

Located park in the suburbs Cesis . Here you will find various entertainment for lovers of outdoor activities.

Where to go with children in Cesis? 9398_2

About 60 attractions of various complexity.

Where to go with children in Cesis? 9398_3

Attractions are all sorts of rope tracks with obstacles, stairs and transitions. From high points of attractions from sites on trees, you can go down the cable.

Where to go with children in Cesis? 9398_4

The wind whistling in the ears and wonderful views of the trees growing below and the Gauja River Valley. All tracks are delimited by complexity: children's, for beginners and the most complex fitness track and the track of adventure. The park has a security certificate.

Previously, this park worked only in winter, offering to do winter sports. Currently, the park of summer active recreation is open from May to October. There are entertainment in the park, both for children and adults.

The cost of visiting the park:

Ticket for adult 10 lats

Ticket for baby 5.50 lats

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