The most interesting excursions on Lesbos.


Arriving on Lesbos Island , It is not necessary to get involved in a beach holiday.

The most interesting excursions on Lesbos. 9390_1

Understand the time to excite excursions on the island having a richest cultural heritage.

The initial excursion stage is undoubtedly Mitilini, called the heart of the Safo Island. The Emerald Valley, hidden between the hills, on which one of the mainestreams of Mitilini is towers - Genoese castle.

The most interesting excursions on Lesbos. 9390_2

This is an antique structure with unique artifacts of the period of the medieval and the Ottoman period.

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For many centuries, the castle defended the island from marine pirates. Today in the castle there are often various musical and theatrical holidays.

It is impossible not to take advantage of the excursion program in Stone forest "Safo Island".

The most interesting excursions on Lesbos. 9390_4

Stone Forest - Monument created by nature itself, washed with antique myths and legends. Giant trees with girth of trunks of 3 meters, as if caught in stone gigs. Nature created stone shackles two million years ago, also once again, proves to man his power and greatness. The stone forest is listed on UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.

Woven from the attractions of the route, will lead you to Thermi. This is a unique archaeological monument. Prehistoric settlement founded in 3000 BC. Picturesque place on a hill with an excellent panorama. Archaeologists and to this day are working here and amazing relics and discoveries receive as a reward. But Thermi carefully keeps his riddles and people will have to spend a lot of strength and time to get answers to their questions.

The most interesting excursions on Lesbos. 9390_5

Eat on Bird Island . Pedestrian routes along olive groves and a meeting with more than 280 species of feathery, will open another mystery of the island.

Walk by Ancient Greek port. And inspection of ancient Eyos Ferapon Church.

The choice of excursions on the island is very diverse and depending on the selected program prepare to spend on excursions from 50 to 200 euros. Excursions can be ordered in any turbule. Thewi everywhere will meet hospitably and benevolently and in no case makes no sense to fear deception.

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