Welcoming and kind of opament


The most visited resort of Croatia came accompanied by fifteen kids - dance group daughter - in July 2006. The guys won the vouchers by defeating in the regional competition. From mom-dad accompany them only I can alone. To drag in a broken bus with a bunch of girls-girls was a fortunate flour. But the end of the trip turned out to be truly paradise. Seeing oath, I forgot about everything and, finally, I understood why Edward VIII refused power to live here.

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The trip was budget, therefore stopped in an inexpensive hotel "Ambasador". While the kids were located, washed, dinner, I accidentally met the acquaintances who accompanied an additional group. By learning about my position (one against fifteen Trevants), agreed to help. So for the walk of entrusted children, we already told the threesome. Young travelers were terribly surprised that the streets of the city were paved by a stone, and the trees grow in the tub.

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I am also struck by the abundance of babies, Dalmatians and ... Men's silk ties in the windows of boutiques. It turned out, these three things, Opatiya is particularly proud of these three things, seeing confirmation that unrivaled dog breeders live here, ingenious designers and the best parents. It is a children's desire to show yourself from the best side along with a delicate concern about tourists (comfortable shops, a lot of pointers, a bunch of wishing to help) allows you to feel relaxed, freely, as if visiting good friends.

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At sea, we, the long-term inhabitant of Sevastopol, did not really hurry. But still went, yes so that it did not work out until the evening. The secluded places are fully, but they are not at all like our wild beaches. On the shore, no time, the people are located chinno-noble. All pebbles and sea inhabitants, as on the palm, even if you swim into the zone where the depth exceeds 50 m. Not in vain, local without boiling use sea water to soak figs. Another feature of the octy bathing: a lot of fish, and non-blunt. They look into the face, tick the fins. Natural aquarium, otherwise you will not call. But only sea hedgehogs are dangerous, the abundance of which makes swimming in slippers.

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Entertainment is quite standard for sea resorts. A pleasant moment is the low cost of renting sailboats (fell a bit, shot down the price of up to 4 euro / hour). We visited the islands. The spirit captures, just fabulously beautiful. I pleased that the city is full of opportunities for cycling. Probably, this direction in Opatia is extremely in demand, as bicycle rental costs at least 2 eres / h. However, the money spent not in vain: special routes, even though stretching along the mountain massif, very well-groomed and spacious. Opportians are not only polite, but also honest. The boys threw great, no one was seduced.

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The kitchen opticia is very satisfying, but quite diet. The kids drose perfectly, without persuasion. Boldly recommend well-suitable sheep cheese of Pasha, baked lamb, Struggles (Rash rolls with cottage cheese).

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