What are the interesting places worth visiting Buenos Aires?


In order to inspect the main attractions of Buenos Aires, you will need at least four to five days. This city is highly versatile, while even a simple walk by his beautiful streets, admonishing the buildings of magnificent architecture and monitoring the life of Portenos represents a separate pleasure. Acquaintance with the city is worth starting with inspection of such its main, iconic notebooks, like Obelisk (United Junior Avenue), Color Theater, Pink House Casa-Rosada, Cathedral, Cabillot and Congress Building.

Mandatory items of your dating program with the capital of Argentina should be such important to Ba Street, as a pedestrian st. Florida, Main Street of the city - Avenida Ninth, July, Avenida De Mayo Avenue, Theater Avenide Cormerters and Beautiful San Martin Square. It is worthwhile to visit the colorful areas of San Telmo and La Boca, in which any tourist will find a lot of interesting and original. Inspection of these areas should be combined, they are located next to each other. As for the San Telmo district, the most appropriate time for his visit is Sunday morning, then you can visit the popular flea market surrounding the Torrego Square. Those who appreciate history and architectural art can be recommended to stroll through the old cemetery in the Recolet area.

You will deliver pleasure, walking in the modern port area of ​​Puerto Madero, especially in the sunny day. In the evenings, tourists have entertained by hikes on the tango show and in numerous milongas, where the locals dance. Do not forget about meat restaurants, visiting which brings a squall of emotions! You can get in touch with urban history and traditions in the metropolitan cafe. We must definitely visit the oldest one - Tortoni.


Symbol and materialization of the city's soul, Obelisk represents a pointed stone column with a height of sixty seven meters. It is located in the central part of the Shirogyaya Street in the world - Avenida of the New Year of August (Avenida Nueeva de Julio), which received its name in honor of the Independence Day of Argentina on July 9, 1816. In width, the avenue reaches a hundred and twenty meters, and in length - more than two and a half kilometers. The monument was built in 1936, in the 400-year anniversary of the date of the occurrence of Buenos Aires.

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In search of this monument, you will not have to spend a lot of time - it is visible almost from any point. It is located in the central part of the Republic Square, where in Buenos Aires, Argentina flag was posted for the first time. There are many different cultural and informal events here, this place is one of the cult in the capital. The monument not once suffered from the actions of Vandals, especially those who managed political motives.

Noteworthy is the fact that it was erected for a relatively short time - in four weeks, and at first he emerged so much to the local residents, that even their plans to demolish. However, some time passed, people were accustomed to an unusual monument, and he became a real symbol of the capital of Argentina. Nowadays, all tourists visiting Buenos Aires are photographed here. In particular, the monument is beautiful when the night comes, with backlight. At the top of the obelisk, there is an internal staircase, however, tourists are closed to tourists.

Color theater

In Spanish, the name of the famous navigator who opened the old world of America sounds like "Colón". Locals belong to the theater, which was named in his honor, as well as Russians to the big. This is a huge, pink building of the classic style, sublime and strict, is one of the most famous theater establishments on the entire planet. It was opened in 1908 - then Super Juseppe Verdi "Aida" was presented here.

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The theater has its own opera pipe, orchestra, ballet, symposium, museum and library. A feature of this theater is a wonderful acoustics. Once in his walls gave concerts Igor Stravinsky, Luciano Pavarotti, Enrique Caruso, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Fedor Shalyapin ... The institution was recently discovered after the end of five year old restoration works, now visitors can see interesting opera and ballet performances here. As usual, the beginning of the ideas falls at eight o'clock in the evening. You can buy a ticket in advance - via the Internet or directly in theatrical box office. Here you can buy inhabited places in the lips and in the parter, as well as more affordable, standing. The cost is forty Argentine peso, it is about ten dollars.

In the event of a lack of time to visit the evening theatrical performances, you can still visit the building - During the day, the establishment is open daily for visitors, according to schedule 09: 00-17: 00, the entrance is from Tukuman's passage. By time, a walk along the theater of the column occupies fifty minutes, and the price of the excursion is 110 Argentine Pesos, which is approximately 25 dollars. The institution boasts a chic interior of the visual and gold hall, the front staircase, the Bust hall, so that the theater will not be a waste of time.

Plaza de Mayo Plaza

This area is the main in Buenos Aires, it is the location of very important historical buildings - the presidential palace of La Casa Rosada, Kabildo, a monument of the pyramid and the cathedral. Many serious historical events of the city took place on this area. In the 1860s, Argentina's Constitution was adopted at this place, in 1954 peronism originated, and from 1977, the Argentine Mothers were organized, who were looking for sons missing during a military dictatorship.


Nearby Plaza de Mayo is a city cathedral. It was erected according to the neoclassical French style. For the first time, it was built in 1593, and then several times subjected to restoration work. The fact that tourists see - the final version, the result of 38 years of construction, completed in 1804th. The construction has a strict and modest appearance outside, but the inner decoration is striking with its fantastic beauty. The Cathedral is located the tomb of the Father Nation - General José de San Martin. In addition, there are also fourteen paintings by Francesco Domenigini with the image of the gazing path. The floor is decorated with Venetian mosaic. You can come to the cathedral from 08:00 to 19:00 on weekdays, and on weekends - from 09:00 to 19:30.

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