How to get to Vaduz?


We wanted to get to Liechtenstein for a long time, but for a long time they chose the route, how to get here. There is no airport on the territory of this microst state. Despite the fact that through the entire territory of this small country there is a line of railway in Liechtenstein there is not a single station. Old Vaduz Station building closed.

How to get to Vaduz? 9362_1

The only way to get into this is a small, but the majestic principality is by bus from the nearest settlements of Switzerland or Austria. The easiest option, although not the most economical - to stay in Zurich. From here on the undergoing trains, traveling from the central station of the city with a regularity of about once a hour, you need to get to the town of Zargans. The fare in Swiss trains is very large, but if you go to the official website of the Swiss railways, then it is possible here no earlier than in 15 days to buy a ticket for a discount of 50%. As a rule, only one-two tickets from the tickets from traveling in one date of trains arrive at work. So, if you wish to save, you have to adapt to the time of their departure. We managed to take a ticket from Zurich to Zurich to Zurich and back for 35 euros per person. Time in the way is about an hour.

Going out in Zargrena from the station to the station Square, you will immediately notice a yellow bus with the inscription: "Liechtenstein Bus", next to the Austrian Feldkirch through the entire territory of Liechtenstein. On it you can get to Vaduka.

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Bus schedule is hanging next to the departure schedule of trains at the station. You can buy a ticket in a special terminal, which is right there, for cash or on the map. There is a menu in English. As a rule, the movement interval does not exceed 30 minutes. Time on the way to the capital of Liechtenstein Vaduka - 25 minutes. In the city itself there are several stops. One of which is right in the center, near the State Parliament Building.

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