Food in Buenos Aires: What to try and where to eat?


The question of where you can eat in the new city and the country is always relevant for the traveler. Such a versatile developed country as Argentina offers a large number of culinary solutions that have evolved thanks to the emigrants who have enriched their new homeland with their gastronomic traditions. Argentine cuisine experienced the impact of French, Italian, Arab, Spanish and Jewish culinary trends. Let's talk about the most typical Argentine dishes, which should certainly try in the capital of this state.

First of all, you must try the famous meat parryl-parrilla. Argentina is proud that local cow breeds give the best and delicious meat throughout the world. Installations that specialize in meat dishes are called Parrillada. We will not have to deviate from the truth if we say that in Argentina, meat lovers will discover their paradise. The most famous national dish, which is a question about which is assorted, in which there are various meat pieces, sausages and roasted blood sausages. Parrylial on the table is usually accompanied by sauce chimichurry-chimichurri sauce, which consists of such ingredients: chopped parsley, garlic, tomatoes, vinegar and olive oil.

The main meat dishes are Bife de Chorizo ​​(who represents a huge steak of five-meantimeter thickness), BIFE DE LOMO fillet, steak on the BIFE de Costilla bone and appetizing pork sausage Simple Chorizo. For snacks, it is possible to recommend Provoleta-fried cheese. Other "goody" - Empanadas (Empanadas) is such small pies with ruble meat, eggs and olives, they are usually served as a snack - with red wine.

In general, the gastronomic institutions of Buenos Aires are worthy of writing a separate book, thanks to their diversity and high quality. Here you can feel the solid age of culinary school, traditions, relevant culture, at the highest level and quality of service and attitude towards the client by the waiters. This does not mean that they will humiliate, just to please you, by no means - they talk as equal to equal, while they give a delight tips on choosing dishes, let go of jokes and comments. It looks like a good theater show, after visiting the Argentine restaurant you will get in addition to the gastronomic, besides aesthetic pleasure!

Very popular institutions in Buenos Aires (or Bayres, as his name is local), in addition to Parrillada, are pizzerias located everywhere.

As for the desserts, we recommend to taste pancakes with boiled condenses - Panqueques Con Dulce de Leche, as well as Argentine Croissants -Medialunas - in various kinds. Well, by itself - Tiramisu, according to the best traditions of Italian cuisine.

In addition to all this, in Buenos Aires, it is worth trying a very wonderful ice cream, which is prepared according to old home recipes, brought with Italian emigrants. Organize yourself such a little pleasure - visit the most famous ice cream cafe in the capital of Argentina - Heladería Freddo, and choose one of the cold recipes you like to do! To the same institutions of this network in the city, they can be found everywhere.

Here are some coordinates of such places: Puerto Madero: Juana Manso 1570, Palermo: Armenia 1618, AV. Santa Fe 2541, AV. Santa Fe 2906, Pueyrredón 1894, Recoleta: Quintana 591, Centro: Florida 428, Florida 628, Florida 963.

The undoubted leader of drinks in Argentina is, of course, Mate. The process of its brewing and use resembles a certain ceremony: bitterly, however, a very useful grass of Mate is brewed in a specially designed vessel and drink at any time of the day. The use of Mate in this country has long been a kind of ritual and a way to communicate.

Restaurants in Buenos Aires

El Palacio De La Papa Frita

In this institution, the name of which means the "Fried Potato Palace", you can order inexpensive and delicious lunch. The menu in this oldest classic restaurant includes nyoki, meat, paste, Milanes and the local highlight - unusual, simply indecently huge potatoes. The cost of dishes here is quite low. On average, eating can be in 110 Argentine pesos. Restaurant EL Palacio De La Papa Frita is located in the central part, Avenida Corrientes 1612.

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El Prossiutto.

This restaurant is one of the best traditional style institutions in Buenos Aires. Here visitors are offered by mix: Meat Parryilla and Italian cuisine. In Ba, you can find several EL PROSSIUTO network establishments, but the most traditional is Prosciutto Balvanera. The cost of dishes is not the highest - prices here are average.

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This restaurant is one of the best traditional institutions of Parryli in the entire capital of Argentina. Location - District Puerto Madero. It is worth ordering the branded "chip" of the institution - Gran Baby Beef. On his cooking takes place for an hour. Also worth paying attention to Sarne de Buey de Kobe. As for the prices of dishes, they are quite high here.

La Parolaccia.

La Parolaccia is the most popular network of gastronomic institutions specializing in Italian dishes in the local version. The dishes that are served here are characterized by sophistication, home interior, and the service is at the highest level, despite the fact that the price category La Parolaccia is medium. Here you can order inexpensive, but tasty complex meals.

La Estancia.

This cult institution specializing in meat dishes is located very close to Obelisk. It was founded in 1962 and is one of the best in Buenos Aires. It is difficult to pass by him and not to pay attention - the showcase attracts visitors with whole pairing lamb and goat carcasses that exude the strongest fragrance. Here you can also try the classic Parryl, and Kozdyatina, which is more Uruguayan dish. The cost of dishes is high here. The La Estancia restaurant has several different premises, in one of them in the evening hours of visitors entertain artists with folklore and tango show programs.

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