An unforgettable vacation with your beloved daughter in Conakli


In early June 2014, I went to Turkey to Turkey to the Area of ​​Conakla's village, where he spent the wonderful 10 days in the company's favorite friend from Moscow and her daughters. I did not regret me at all that I had chosen conaks, as it was a fairly large resort village with a huge number of hotels, restaurants, cafes and shops, and if you want to walk through the noisy city. It is always possible on a minibus (dolmoshe) getting 15 minutes to Alanya. We stayed at the hotel "Insula Resort and Spa" 5 *,

An unforgettable vacation with your beloved daughter in Conakli 9307_1

Which is located on the seashore, and next to him the transition to the central street of Conakla and a huge market, where you can buy fruits, vegetables, spices, clothes and so on on Wednesday. Prices in Conakli is much lower than in Side or Belek, but in any case, remember that the Turks love to bargain, so if you are talking to an overestimated price, then do not leave, but feel free to tramble, for example, I bought a child a dress for 10 dollars instead of the original price at 32 dollars.

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There is a beautiful park in Conakli, the entrance to which you can learn on the statues of two beautiful horses. There are benches, beautiful bushes of greenery, trampoline, and close to the largest mosque of this region.

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I liked to walk in Conaks in the evening, when millions of lights burn everywhere, and on the streets you will be offered a huge number of delicious and diverse Turkish cuisine. In the hotel, we had meals on the "All Inclusive" system, but I still could not resist and visited 2 Turkish restaurants, prices in which are quite acceptable, for example, for dinner for two, we gave only 37 dollars. Conakli has a beautiful night club "Summer Garden", the entrance to which for tourists is completely free, and there are 4 bars on its territory, two dance sites and a scene, where guest Turkish groups are coming. At first we went to discos in Alanya, but at night a taxi in the region is very expensive, so when I learned about this club,

An unforgettable vacation with your beloved daughter in Conakli 9307_4

That ceased to spend money and enjoyed a wonderful holiday very close to the hotel. Beaches in Conakli pebble, but the entrance to the sea is quite comfortable. Sometimes there are strong waves, so you should not risk and try to enter the sea at such days, since once I strongly dragged me along the stones, and I went to the rest of the vacation with broken knees.

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