Rest in Varanasi: for and against


India has long been popular with Russian tourists, but the most promoted place is Goa. Few people heard about such a sacred city for locals like Varanasi. There is no ocean, and the Gang River, which is so revered among the Hindus, will be dangerous for tourists. To plunge into Ganges, it is worth thinking about your health. Water samples scientists proved that all the most dangerous infections are collected in the waters of this river. Therefore, the beach holiday in Varanasi should be forgotten. However, the local residents themselves bathe in this river, erase clothes, clean their teeth.

So, then for what tourists go into this place. In order to see the local culture, how and what the Indians live. It is no secret that Varanasi can be called the largest crematorium, it is here that all the Buddhists seek to get after death. Here on the shore of the Sacred River Ganga is Harishchanra Hhata - crematorium, where they burn the dead. Only happening this is not entirely as we get used to imagine. This is a public spectacle, burn the bodies with firewood. And everything happens in front of everyone: local residents and their children, tourists. Impressive to do in Varanasi nothing. But especially bold tourists can make bright photos, the price will cost 100 dollars. But if you know how to bargain, the price may fall at times and to become only $ 10. If you do not want to pay, you can make a formal permission to shoot, but most likely you will still require money.

In my opinion, the most terrible is that the remains dump everything into the same sacred river Gangu. In India, there is a lot of poor population and it happens that the family has no money for cremation. Then his body is thrown into the river and after some time they find it and burn completely free. This is me to the fact that in Varanasi is flourishing full antisanitary.

If we talk about the world of living, then the city itself is quite interesting with narrow streets. But all life is concentrated mainly on the embankment. There are also the best hotels in the same place, but I stop in them. In view of the appearance, it is most likely facing the crematorium, and the smell here hovers very specific. It takes some time to get used to it.

But, despite all this, tourists are still a lot here. Everyone experiences great interest in Varanasi, especially since the city is really very interesting.

Rest in Varanasi: for and against 9283_1


Rest in Varanasi: for and against 9283_2

Normal Tourist Making Bright Frames

Rest in Varanasi: for and against 9283_3

Central embankment.

Varanasi is worth visiting tourists with a strong psyche. Ready to see some strange things and do not worry. The main thing is to keep track of your own hygiene, for meals. Consume only boiled water and not from under the crane.

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