What should you expect from recreation in Lodz?


Lodz is a large, third in size of the city of Poland, which is located in the very center of the country. The city is located in the middle-hearth lowland, which is rich in water resources, both under the ground and on the surface, so the Lodz stands at eighteen rivers. Earlier, there was a small village here, from which a huge, excellent city between the drives of the right shore of Odse and the river lodge grew up.

Moreover, it is not just an old city, it is also one of the oldest habitats of a person in the Polish territory, because the first settlements in these places were born more than twelve thousand years ago. And by the XII century, a fairly large settlement has already appeared here, although the first mention is referred to only 1332. It was a craft-agricultural city, later the factory case began to develop here, which brought not only a great success to merchants and owners of the factory, but also the city itself, which began to develop successfully.

The favorable economic conditions attracted foreign workers in the industry, so they began to actively build a classic factory factories, and the city became called the Polish Manchester.

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The second size of the Luke factory was just huge sizes and hired about six thousand people. Today, on the territory of the factory there is a shopping and entertainment and cultural complex of a manufactory, where modern forms are combined with the 19th century architecture.

Throughout the history of the city, Poles, Germans, Silesians, Czechs, Jews and Others lived here. Therefore, in the city since 2002, a festival has four cultures, which helps tourists to get acquainted with the cultural past of the city. Tourists love mass events conducted in the city, because they are very colorful and interesting, involving every visit to Lodz.

Today, the city attracts a large number of tourists and travelers, because it really has something to see and where to go.

Here is a sufficient number of attractions, although, with Gdansk in a variety of historical heritage, you can hardly be compared. Despite this, existing historical places represent tremendous tourist interest. Take at least a famous Pörtrovskaya street, a length of 4 kilometers, which is considered the main street of the city. It hits the key life throughout the literally of all 24 hours. Street originates from the liberty of Volosts to the Newest Movie. Tourists are simply lost here, because there is just a huge number of shops, restaurants, bars and street cafes that work exclusively in the warm season. On its territory, it is possible to ride only on the tram or the velaiksha, and there are numerous activities of the city and all sorts of fairs and competitions in sports.

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In addition to the street, tourists will be interesting street quarters, the architectural level of which simply shook. Majestic mansions that used to be built in close proximity to factories and working quarters will surprise everyone and imprinted in memory for a long time. Especially affecting the inner interiors of the premises that have retained their magnificence to the present day. Beautiful and some villas and palaces that are simply drowning in the summer in the summer.

Today, in many buildings, industrial significance or not, there are drawings of graffiti, representing separate tourist interest, because such drawings are simply excellent and quite original.

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What should you expect from recreation in Lodz? 9274_5

Attractions, you may like these: Poznan Palace, ancient cemetery on Rubanova Street, Museum of the city of Lodz, Music Gallery of Arthur Rubinstein, Cultural and Entertainment Center "Manufactura", Museum of Textile Industry, Lodz Hills Reserve, Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, Costoo Holy Spirit and much more.

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Do not think that in the industrial city is bored and there are many problems, for example, with accommodation. In fact, it is not. Lodges have enough luxurious hotels, cozy hotels and affordable hostels, which constantly take a large number of travelers. Here you can stay in low-cost hotels, which offer near euro per night, such as Hotel Music-Hostel or M Hotel. There are also elegant hotels that ask about 90 euros per night, plus a large range of additional services necessary for more comfortable stay and relaxing on the territory of the Lica.

Tourists are required and visiting local restaurants and bars, because without them it is difficult to feel local flavor and traditional traditional. The main thing now to decide which kitchen to do with you, because the city's gastronomic variety is just excellent. Italian, Polish, Greek, Russian, Asian dishes. Irish pubs in which beer pours river, coexist with local bars and their delicious drinks and snacks.

Much in the city is associated with the industry of cinema, because the highest school of television and cinematography is on its territory. On the territory of Lodz, there is its own alley of stars, which is located on Piotrovsky Street, at the site of bohemian assembling and conducting a variety of flash mobs. The convenient location of the city makes it a great place to hold concerts, which are often held at the Arena concert area.

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Lodz attracts tourists with its natural beauty, the traveler is in a hurry to visit the Botanical Garden of the city, which is considered the largest fleet in Poland, as well as an amazing and unique Lagovnitsky forest park, in which you can walk with children, because the city welcomes not only the company of tourists, but also family tourists. Green trees and shrubs inherent in this area, fragrant flowers and flower beds that are shook by the abundance and variety of paints.

Tourists traveling through Polish cities often try to plunge into crowded, sultry cities, such as Warsaw or Krakow, while it is worth paying attention to the adorable, more quiet and secluded cities, such as Lodz. You will simply fascinated by the charm and welcome the city and its inhabitants and will not regret, having come here once.

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