What time is it better to go to rest in the resort?


Crimea is famous for its amazing, soft climate. I want to share personal experience, rest in the resort. The weather is best in the summer months, but in August, there may be surprises in the form of an unexpected shower, which lasts no more than fifteen minutes. By the way, such a situation is observed in almost all resort cities of the Crimea. Most often, unforeseen precipitation occurs on the afternoon. They cannot spoil rest, as they immediately after the rain, the bright sun comes out.

What time is it better to go to rest in the resort? 9255_1

When to relax in the resort, best with the defense? Best either in June, but at this time the water of the Black Sea, is not yet warm enough for babies, or in August. Here is August, I consider the most ideal month. Why? Oh, there is a number of reasons. First of all, August is attractive in that the sea at this time is very warm, but such a heat as in July, no longer observed. The second point is discounts. Discounts, you can find on every corner, as the holiday season comes up to its logical conclusion.

What time is it better to go to rest in the resort? 9255_2

The cheapest is to relax in the resort, at the end of August and throughout the September, but if you are not afraid of cold water, it will go on holiday well and in May. In May, rest in the resort, it is also quite possible to name the budget, although it is, from this month the holiday season starts.

What time is it better to go to rest in the resort? 9255_3

If you really want to save and you are not interested in the adoption of water procedures, then go to the resort, in April. Nature, at this time only begins his active awakening, and the spirit captures the spirit from the opening species, and the head is spinning from clean and fragrant air.

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