Where to drink beer in Berlin: Review of the city's beer institutions


Pilsners and Big Berlin Brewery.

In Berlin, as well as everywhere in the East and the North, the Germans preferable to drink Pilsner.

Today, 1 big brewery is working in Berlin, 1 average and several small ones.

The famous Berliner Kindl is closed, and her schultheiss brewer absorbing her name attached name: Berliner Kindl - Schultheiss . She is part of the Radeberger concern. Berliner Kindl brands continue to exist, but cooks them all one factory. These are Pilsners: Jubiläums Pilsner Premium. (It is considered the best on brewery), Berliner Kindl, Schultheiss, Engelhart. Their history and graphic mapping of Berlin is historical.

In addition to Schultheiss Pilters, there is one brand of other types: the most famous Schwarzbir Märkische Landmann. There are also types of export, dark and bright bells. The word Schulthais, by the way, denotes the manager. Schulz's name occurred from him. Therefore, the label depicts a wealthy uncle with a gold chain. There is a museum on the brewery, the cost (depending on the number of food) from 5 to 12 euros, but you need to order an excursion in advance. Brewery is located on the street. Indira Gandhi.

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Second brewery - Berliner Bürgerbrau. After the combination of Germany, one Bavarian family, who already owns brewers in the Nizhnebavska town of CHAM. The concept of it is completely different: they are focused on "ancient varieties" and call themselves SPEZIALITÄTENBRAUEREI. Brewery has an interesting story. Previously, she belonged to the partnership of the owners of the boring courtyards, but Nazi was dissolved, the brewing was nationalized and gave her the current name. Berliner Bürgerbrau also of course cooks pilsners: Berliner Bürgerbräu Pilsner. Repeatedly received different premiums and is often sold in spill in prestigious events. For the famous Kadewe Store, they boil Kadewe Premium Pilsner (without specifying the brewery name). Other types: Bernauer Schwarzbier is positioned as beer for the vintage beer recipe for Gussitian Games in Bernau, Bürgerbräu Maibock, Bürgerbräu Dunkler Bock. But the most interesting is the Rotkelch brand (Type of Export Beer). Under Mark. Rotkelch . Red hat, was specially created a special boofer with a red handle in the modern era style. In the Export Beer Type - Rotkelch is one of the best brands in Germany. The brewery is located on Lake Mugegelzee, it is easier to swim there than get there. There is an excellent restaurant and all sorts of shows, but there are no excursions in brewery. Just drink draft beer and buy a boilers, for example, on Zoo (in a cafe in front of the zoo).

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Traditions Berliner Weiss.

Berliner Weisse. Beer in no case should not be confused with Bavarian Vaitzberbir - this is completely different, rare and only Berlin, the type of beer. Its origin is incomprehensible, but it is known that beer since 1680 and has always been considered the beer of the indigenous Berliners, the descendants of Huguenot. It is terribly sour and therefore it is always mixed with syrup or already sold in a dream. There are brands Berliner Weisse Schultheiß and Berliner Weisse Berliner Bürgerbräu. Syrups: YEGERMYSTER (fragrant javelnik), crimson and black-cormoranodine. Very interesting and traditional forms of glasses for Berliner Weisse: Wanne - "Bath". Ancient bath of whom drinking on the engraving was toast toast and weighed about 2 pounds, it was much wider and higher and accommodated more than 2 liters, so drinking from them rising baths with two hands. Fashion on the glasses changed, except for the baths there are still ribbed bowls, Jovalny bowls -Shal, and 50 years ago there were glasses-bullets. Usually they are also bought as souvenirs. It is possible, by the way, to buy directly in beer (they are or already offered as a souvenir or can be asked and sell it for a couple of euros).

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Corner beer Eckkneipe - Berlin feature

Pame of Berlin Eckkneipe (Ecquare), i.e. Beer at the intersection of streets, on the corner, there were English beers located at the end of the 18th century in the working quarters of Westminster. Instead of tables, there were long racks - TRESEN and the proletariat could quickly skip the cup. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were approximately 13 thousand such Eckkneipe in Berlin, but today they have preserved no more than 150. But they do not cause pleasant memories of the old Berliners and they are becoming less and less. In such a beerushka, tourists are not too glad and you can completely catch there at 4 am sleeping proletarian. But it's interesting to look.

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Browuhaus Berlin

Compared to Bavaria, of course, they are of course and they are looking for their niche. The number is inconstant: they open, they close and change the owners. Therefore, I will list those who work stably and precisely cooks your beer.

Beer for beer.

Brauhaus in spandau.

Located on the outskirts in Shpandau, it is convenient to go there to the u7 subway line. There is interesting cuisine from the point of view of snacks, interesting interiors and is located right on the Hafel River, not far from the place of sign up in it. There is a constant brand of very cunning light beer, and all the rest is seasonal beer. In the summer they cook all sorts of unsaturated varieties (on an amateur), but since from October and to April Especially in January, powerful and interesting types of beer in very good performance. By the way there is a small hotel, right in the building of Brauhaus. From there, you can order a boat (almost to the door) and float in Potsdam, karting, an excursion about brewing and a practical seminar.

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Brauerei Eschenbräu.

Located in a small and modest basement in a student hostel for many years (Station U9) to Leopoldplatz, then you need to find it according to the scheme. And in the summer there they just put the tables before the hostel. Only real beer lovers come there. Her legendary browomyster started cooking beer as an amateur. The varieties there are always replaceable and just fantastically good! If you are a lover of beer, then it is necessary to go be sure to go, just pay attention to the opening hours (in the morning and day is usually closed).

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In the tourist zone:

Lindenbräu Gasthaus-Brauerei and Hopfingerbräu

The brewery belongs to the Bavarians (she simply different names at different points), cooks several varieties of Bavarian Wheat Weße, the rest of the beer is imported. And that's why better go there in summer Because beer there is summer. She has 2 more features: All brewing equipment is made of massive silver and from the point of view of the architectural concept of the brewery is inscribed in modern architecture (Sony-Center on the Potsdamer Platz and the Gigan Station of Berlin - Hauptbahnhof and near the Brandenburg Gate). Kitchen, of course, also Bavarian. The best choice of dishes on brewery in Sony-Center.

Brauhaus Lemke, Brauhaus Lemke Am Schloss, Brauhaus Mitte

This is the same brewery, just located in different places, respectively: at the stop S Bahn Hackescher Markt, near Charlotnburg Castle, and by Karl Liebknechtstraße, right near Alexanderplatz. Best of all, of course Hacksher Markt, but there are a lot of people. The point for Schloss Charlottendurg is too small, and near the alkenes on the contrary - deserted. But excursions dine more often lead exactly. Beer is everywhere alone: ​​one constant brand of dark beer close to Düsseldorf type of alto, and three seasonal (usually young pillasner, Waitzer and something else). Beer there is always just great!

Brauhaus Georgbräu.

Located in the tourist zone, to Nikajiwinter, right on the spree. It cooks 2 types of pillars: the usual light and rare dark. It is positioned as a restaurant, traditional cuisine, but the prices are obviously high.


Brauhaus Brewbaker and others

Another place for experts. The brewery moved to the market of the market, this is also a line U9, stopping the turmisstrasse. Since there was a reconstruction, it is better to call and find out or it is already working. Even in Berlin, there are now working: Brauhaus Südstern in Vedding, Brauhaus Rixdorf in Neukelne and the new Brauuhauz WBB Willner Brauerei in Pankov, but it's better to call there too in order not to go in vain. Perhaps today it was opened or closed a couple more, as little brewing survive today with difficulty ...

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