Rest on Koh Change - Miracle Island, Miracle Island, live on it easily and just ...


Approached the next vacation. What we are going to Thailand on vacation, we decided right away. Long argued: Pattaya, Phuket or Bangkok? And so ... We are welcomed by the wonderful island of Chang. A family dispute as usually ended in a draw - chose a neutral version. Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok we, of course, saw, but rested on the island, whose name in our compatriots certainly causes a smile, they recall the cartoon of childhood and sing: "Miracle island, a miracle island, live on it easily and just - Chung -Chang. "

Rest on Koh Change - Miracle Island, Miracle Island, live on it easily and just ... 9245_1

Koh Chang striking the imagination with its primevalo nature - part of the island is still covered with jungle, thickets in places reach the beaches. But, despite, it would seem, the wildness of the island, the infrastructure here is pleased - on the embankment there are a lot of restaurants, luxury hotels, fashionable hotels, salons ...

Our hotel was located on a quiet cozy beach of Klonduga Poo. As it turned out, a very good choice. There is no endless flower stream, noise and gama and at the same time not so far from civilization. We took advantage of this to combine your pastime depending on the mood. Relaxing holidays on the coast alternated with interesting excursions, shopping hikes, cafes in cafes and active water sports. I would like to note that many Europeans rest at Khanga and there are practically no Russians - apparently this tourist destination is not yet particularly developed in our country.

The first day we just rested, looked around and engaged in "beacon". On the second day they went to the village of elephants. An exciting adventure: a leisurely journey on elephants to a waterfall Klong Pliu.

Rest on Koh Change - Miracle Island, Miracle Island, live on it easily and just ... 9245_2

Huge good-natured animals are measured along the trail through the bamboo thickets, thick jungle, the plantation of exotic fruits to the rumbling of the water with a rapid flow of water. On the third day we went to the maritime excursion and visited the nearby islands - Ko Wai, to May and Kud. These are the places that our tourists call the "tasty" name "Bounty" - white pearly beaches clean azure water, bright romantic orchids, tropical jungle, exotic fruits - what else can you dream with winter cold evenings?

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