Rest in Zelden - Alps, Snow, Ski, Mulled wine ...


Rest in Zelden - Alps, Snow, Ski, Mulled wine ... 9227_1

The first time we rested in the Alps. It was March. It was Zelden. And it was amazing. Stand ... And around the snow and mountain mountains, and you kind of steaming over them, and below people - small dark dots ...

Rest in Zelden - Alps, Snow, Ski, Mulled wine ... 9227_2

We lived in a cozy guest house in the Kaisers area, immediately at the entrance to the city. The district itself is different, I would say the village comfort - everything is quiet and calm. You need to go to the center on foot twenty minutes - you can walk through the evening to sit somewhere in the cafe, that we, in principle, did. The boarding house provided a house where the hosts lived on the first floor, and on the second and third - such as we are tourists. It so happened that on the second floor we lived ourselves (only one family came only before the departure) it was very convenient - all at our disposal.

Now about the Selden itself. The town is small, a good restaurant is only one - but "catch" there is almost impossible to "catch" there, so we have dinner usually in a pizzeria or cafe. But in the mountains, the situation in the root is different - a lot of self-service cavets with pretty simple, but very tasty food and unmatched mulled wine. In Zelden, many shops, but most of them offer sports products, prices are comparable to our.

Rest in Zelden - Alps, Snow, Ski, Mulled wine ... 9227_3

On the first day we rolled out on simple tracks (№13 and №15) did not really like the thirteenth - it can be said there to be said. Such an anthill, only instead of ants, many of whom are for the first time in life on skis. It is always necessary to watch anyone to knock anyone and yourself do not have anyone on the way. Then we climbed higher into glaciers, they chose 38 tracks - it is wide, long, rather color, but there are also complex areas. We rode mostly according to blue highways, as the level of preparation we have initial, well, until the end of the holidays, it may already be up to the middle of the vacation. The red tracks first seemed very steeply, thought - this for extremals, but then, of course, they also experienced them.

The first days the weather was excellent - sunny, a little frost, but then she spoiled - milk fog in addition with snowfall, many vacationers left immediately. On the descents it became wounded, but the visibility of zero is terrible.

Rest in Zelden - Alps, Snow, Ski, Mulled wine ... 9227_4

Yes, Zelden made a huge impression, I first realized and felt the greatness of the mountains.

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