Madrid - Heart of Spain!


Madrid can be called full confidence with the heart of Spain. Despite the luxurious architectural buildings, museums, Madrid Parks are very friendly, friendly and many-sided city. That I was very surprised and struck in the Spaniards living in Madrid are their friendliness, emotionality and sociability. They try to touch each other in the process of conversation as much as possible. At the beginning it just shocks, well, and then you get used to and no longer pay attention.

Unfortunately, there are serious problems in communication because of the language - the local population of English practically does not understand and do not know, they speak Spanish. In principle, know where and that it is possible, but, but to talk, so to speak about life will not be released.

A hot chocolate with Churros can be called a favorite delicacy and a typical Madrid dish (long crispy wands that focus in chocolate and eat). It is probably the most delicious hot chocolate, which I have ever drank, so I am very advised to try. Sold by almost every cafe or restaurant, but it is better to look for real chocolateria (I really liked Valor and San Gines).

Arriving in Madrid stands in advance to take care of the exchange of money, otherwise they risk to stay without them - exchangers are very little and they work mostly up to six evenings, for some reason money in banks refuse to change.

Do not be surprised if, walking in Madrid, see a lot of people of different ages of reading books, really real books. Spaniards are considered the most reading nation in the world.

So the National Library is located on Columbus Square, and that surprisingly people going to it seem to move the endless stream. Near the library there are many book bargains - which is not here, and old antique and completely modern books and magazines!

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One of the main areas of Madrid is considered to be Plaza del Sol, this area is also called the "Gate of the Sun". It is believed that all roads and streets take their beginning with this, truly sunny square! Its main symbol, like a symbol of Madrid, is a teddy bear with a strawberry tree.

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Another equally well-known area is Siblez Square - a stunningly beautiful place. On the square there is a handsome Snow Whole Palace (Post Office) of the goddess Kibel, it is necessary to climb to his observation platform to see the whole city. And in the center of the square there is a fountain of the goddess Kibel. At night, the entire area is lit, the illumination of the palace, fountain and the square itself is turned on - a very beautiful spectacle!

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I always want to see how the monarchs live, the tour of the royal palace will like many, unfortunately the audio guide is not in Russian, only in English, but this does not hurt to be surprised and admire the luxury and real works of art. What is only a weapon room, where you can consider armor and weapons, a room with porcelain, you can see the exposition of the royal pharmacy. But most affects and impresses the palace with his appearance! The palace is located a wonderful cozy park, in which you can quietly and calmly relax.

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It was very interesting to visit the three main museum of Madrid, the so-called "golden triangle", which includes: Museum of the Queen Sofia, Prado Museum and the Museum of Tissen-Bornemis.

The Queen Sofia Museum is known, first of all, as the Museum of Contemporary Art, Pictures of Picasso "Gernika", Dali. Here you can see not only Malevich's square, but also green, and blue squares written by Spanish artists. The room in which things are scattered, as hitting, installing flashing, in some halls show movies and various informational materials.

Prado Museum is a truly true treasury for Guy's masterpieces, Rembrant and other artists. It is better to come here in the evening, then do not meet crowded people everywhere, and after six evenings the entrance is generally free. At the entrance, brochures are distributed with a convenient scheme of the location of the halls and paintings.

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The Tissen-Borneis Museum is very interesting and convenient, a collection of medieval and modern art is collected here. The main part of the exhibits exhibited is a private collection that is considered the best in the world. The museum presents absolutely different styles from Gothic to Pop Art, but this Museum of Impressionism lovers and classics will be especially attracted. The pictures of Renoara, Van Gogh, Rubens, Titian, Monet, Picasso, Dali and many other great masters are presented.

Metropolis is considered a business card and one of the main attractions of Madrid. This place is worth visiting not only during the day, but even in the evening, when the backlight turns on, it seems that the angel swears into the sky, a very fascinating sight.

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Another of the many interesting buildings of Madrid is the so-called "Russian gates" (twin towers, tilted under 15 devices).

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Corrida is another interesting and I would have told the disdicaper spectacle of this city. On weekends, it can be found in the arena Las Ventas. Tickets are better to book in advance.

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In the very center of the Spanish capital, a stunningly beautiful Park "Retiro" was spread, where you can relax and spend the whole day. The park is very well-kept and clean, there are many cafes in which you can have a snack. On the territory of "Retiro" many beautiful sculptures and fountains. But most hit the glass palace, inside it there are chairs where you can sit and enjoy complete silence. In the central part of the park there is a lake where you can feed the ducks and fish, ride a boat or catamaran. Various exhibitions are held here, street artists are. In the park there are a lot of trees interesting, and sometimes even a bizarre form. For example, laurels (the very, whose leaves we add to food) are cut into a variety of forms by cone, balls, solid wall. But the most unusual and interesting tree in the park is called "strawberry" - it is some kind of unimaginable form.

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Madrid is a city of smiles and positive emotions, where I want to go back again and again!

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