Side - a quiet town in which you can combine a pleasant with useful


Side was chosen by us for a holiday in Turkey not by chance, the selection criterion was not a partition city, a sandy beach, the opportunity to get on excursions if desired. In our family there is a compromise - 2 days we are lying on the beach, we are going on a tour of the third day. The husband is not a lover dragging around the heat in the deserts and look at the ruins, but the opposite I choose a place to relax with such a condition that the ruins of the ancient cities, excavations and the like. 2 weeks lie on the beach it is not for me.

In principle, in Side, you can not take a sightseeing tour of the city, and strolls themselves. Unlike many cities of Egypt, Turkey is not scary to go beyond the territory of the hotel.

Side is divided into an old and new city.

Side - a quiet town in which you can combine a pleasant with useful 9209_1

Antique Side ruins are restored. On this excursion to visit necessarily, especially if you are an amateur of the ancient world.

Side - a quiet town in which you can combine a pleasant with useful 9209_2

In a modern city, you can also see pieces of ancient world, do not be surprised that we will meet in the midst of the main streets, the historical ruins, a special "chip" of the city - build hotels and cafes on the ruins of the old Side.

Side - a quiet town in which you can combine a pleasant with useful 9209_3

The small part of the ancient structures lived to this day, but walking around the city, unwittingly think about whether an ancient civilization existed under a new city. Modern buildings Side are harmoniously combined with ruins from past centuries, this is the whole charm of the city. On the excursions you can ride our own way or rent a car and stock towards Side guide.

Side - a quiet town in which you can combine a pleasant with useful 9209_4

Locals are trying to preserve the remnants of ancient civilization, but at the same time they are not shy to make money on this. We lived at the hotel Alibei, our beach was on site, we went to the city constantly, I think that in this city you can do without a "all inclusive" system, because when you see a huge number of restaurants on the beach overlooking the sea, you will certainly want to dinner here, not at the hotel restaurant. The city has a main street, shopping and entertainment, in the evening there are a lot of people, especially if you relax in the season. In the city, as in many Turkish cities, everything is aimed at will like the tourist, and he has definitely returned here again. We rested in Side a week, but maybe I will come back here. The beach is sandy, coming in the sea is comfortable, in the city there is a port, clean entertaining for tourists, but it does not affect the purity of the sea.

Side - a quiet town in which you can combine a pleasant with useful 9209_5

The port was still in ancient times, naturally from the moment he was reconstructed, there is an opportunity to rent a yacht for marine walks.

This is the only city in Turkey in which I visited, Kemer and Antalya for rest did not even consider. We rest with your husband, we do not need noisy parties. I can't compare with other Turkish cities, but I liked the city for 10 days of rest.

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