Santiago - the kingdom of curves mirrors.


Finding into the capital of the distant country Chile, the feeling is created as if you get into a completely different world, even the most common things that are unusual and wonderful for our person seemed to me here. As if the kingdom of the curves of the mirrors, here even the new year is found in the midst of summer, but this, probably, Chile is attractive and interesting for visitors from the other end of the world.

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Sightseeing with exquisite architecture I have not met, maybe because in Santiago I did not go to rest, like the rest of tourists, but on working cases and time to admire the city to the full extent, it was simply not. But beautiful mountain peaks rush through the road from the airport.

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Where I managed to go, it is probably in the center where he met a couple of entertaining monuments, several fountains and a couple of interesting facades otherwise nothing remarkable. What struck me is the river that flows right in the center, the terrible reservoir, I probably did not meet and really amazing why the authorities do not improve this attraction, because, in general, the city is quite comfortable and landscaped.

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I remember well, people who live in this amazing country, rather open and pleasant in particular, surprised me with their savory and vital energy street tour. They, playing on the drums, who, by the way, were behind them behind them, at the same time they circled with a mad speed, I would not be so able, it was also a kind of art.

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In the evening, I would not advise a walk without accompaniment, because all sorts of demonstrations often pass here, which they don't always end up peacefully, at least I said that I did not risk it to accidentally not get into the alteration.

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The main attraction in Chile is, in my opinion, the sea lions, which I was lucky to see unrealisticly close and you can also see them, it is worth only to order a walk through the ocean on a private boat, believe me, the picture is really spectacular, I used to see sea lions only in the zoo And here they are practically hand.

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If you are in Santiago, be sure to visit one of the observatory, which is not a small amount here, and all, because here the starry sky is special and monitoring the stars, it is not less impressive than manual sea lions.

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I had only a few days, so I can't say with full confidence that Santiago is not the best place to relax.

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But personally, I would have to relax, probably, it would not come here, although I won't argue, perhaps I just had enough time to see and understand this incredible city.

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