How to take yourself on vacation in Szczecin?


Szczecin is always happy to welcome entertainment and mass events, because the city is famous for its tirelessness. It takes simply a huge number of all kinds of events, including festivals, concerts, speeches of choirs and much more, causing tourist and cultural interest.

The main cultural events of Szczecin:

- Spring concerts of guitarists who pass in March. Here are the most talented young guitarists not only Szczecin, but also all Poland.

- International meeting of youth theaters "Window", which is carried out in February. This is the youth festival of alternative music.

- Days of the sea, which are held in July. During the open-air Polish stars, there are concerts of Polish Stars under the Open Sky, and also carry out draws with prizes, games, and at the end of the event there are a fireworks when there is a parade of swim participants. At this time, it sails here a huge number of a wide variety of sailboats, from the smallest, to the most chic.

"Musica Genera Festival, this is a festival of experimental music, and musical improvisation that takes place in May. This is a fairly unique event in the field of experimental music of Europe and Poland in particular.

How to take yourself on vacation in Szczecin? 9194_1

- In the castle, spend a summer holiday of arts, from June to August. During the castle, there are about sixty folklore events, performances, various concerts of various topics and so on. All of them are conducted both in the large and small castle yards.

- In September, the festival under the name jazz summer passes in Szczecin. This is an outdoor event in which Jazz performers of Poland participate.

- In July, the festival of stray artists, which is open absolutely for everyone. This is a holiday of a wide variety of arts - music, applied art, theater. In the city, throughout three days, about 30 different events are held.

- In the castle of Pomeranian princes, in October, the autumn musical salon passes. Here are thematic concerts and chamber concerts in which stars are involved.

- There is also an international men's tennis tournament in Szczecin. It is a tennis player competition from different countries that are held in Szczecino courts. In addition, competitions are held in closed premises of ATP PEKAO OPEN.

Tourists and traveler can also go to Park Binovovo. which is located 25 miles from Szczecin. It is built in a fairly picturesque landscaped area, among which the beech are growing and scenic lakes are located. On its territory is located golf Club that organizes tournaments for professional golfers. In addition, there are also training courses for beginners. Here you can take a rental car, as well as the necessary equipment for the game. After the game, visitors can be located in bars or restaurants of the park.

Fifteen kilometers south of Szczecin, is located Waterpark Laguna which offers entertainment for the whole family. This sports and entertainment center offers the most unimaginable descents for different ages.

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Szczecin and good night entertainment, take, for example, Club hypnosis . And although the club is quite part of the name - Trans, Adrenaline, here you can fully enjoy dancing until the morning.

You can go to Pub Despratos which offers a cozy, and, at the same time, a fairly fun atmosphere. Here you can sing in the karaoke, and you will not be alone, because the songs always pick up numerous pubs.

At ul. Rondo Hermana Hakena is a great gaming entertainment center Szczecin - Silver GoKart Center.

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Here are multiple machines for both adults and children. Here are very relaxing fun who are happy with every visitor.

At Wojska Polskiego Ave., the Pionier 1909 Cinema cinema is located, where you can go to watch movies to both one and in a funny company, or your family.

At ul. Zegadlowicza 71-370 Szczecin, Near Glebokie Beach, is an excellent rope park. Tarzania High Rope Park.

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This is a fairly popular place among lovers of similar entertainment. All routes are completely independent, many of them are designed for children's age and installed low enough. For lovers of sharp sensations, there are routes on a fairly decent height.

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