Gaspra - Southern Town of Extreme Beauty


I have repeatedly wrote about my favorite places in the Crimea, especially in the southern shore. I can not get around the settlement of Gaspra, which is part of Big Yalta. Here are many attractions that can be visited by yourself or take a tour.

Of course, the first is a swirl nest.

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He is considered to be considered a visit to the Crimea, because this small castle on the rock leads to a huge delight, and the species that open from it are simply impossible to describe in words.

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We have repeatedly climbed the castle, the entrance to which is worth a penny. Bought souvenirs on the road, with many steps up, which are now reminded of remarkably spent time. Near the castle are constantly swimming boats. There are even an excursion to Yalta-puffy nest. View from the sea is also stunning. To date, in a swallow nest, a restaurant is located, with very expensive prices, for people with great prosper. And as for me, it is better to admire the views from the observation deck.

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View down:

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There is a wish tree here, tied to which the ribbon can be waiting for the fulfillment of cherished desire.

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A stunning view of Cape Ai-Todor opens out of the observation deck. A lot of legends and interesting stories are associated with this place and guides or just local residents will definitely tell about them.

In Dali, the rock was seen, which reminds the ship filled with the wind. You can also see an eagle sculpture, which is also an amazing story.

We also looked and walked around the character park, visited the Fortress Characters. The fortress is the usual ruins, which remained from it. And the park-monument is beautiful and there is something to see.

Very beautiful in Gaspre Sanatorium "Clear Polyana", which is the Palace S.V. Panina, here oncehouse and Lion Tolstoy. The building is very beautiful, with a circle of palm trees and well-groomed territory.

I was still impressed by the exhibition of butterflies in Gaspre, you can even take a photo with them.

Housing in the private sector Gaspra is quite expensive, about sanatoriums and boarding houses, I am generally silent, not for medium wealth. But still find decent housing for a reasonable price we managed. The truth is far from the sea.

A distinctive feature, the entire southern coast, is mountain roads and trails, so you need to consider when choosing a resting area.

The beaches here are only from sanatoriums, but they can be reached for a small fee at the entrance or making (again for money) to themselves. Voddy clean, pebble beaches.

I also noticed that in the southern villages, the problem of garbage removal, often many packages and simply waste waiting when they are taken out, and thus spoil the wonderful flavors of sea air and species.

I liked the view from the cable car, which leads to the castle of Panina. A couple of times we went towards the city beach. Very comfortably.

Gaspra, like many towns, has its advantages and disadvantages. But still this indescribable beauty place and the desire to get into it again above all.

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