Rest in Goa: for and against


The smallest Indian state and part-time the main resort of the country, Goa causes very controversial feelings and emotions. Someone throws in the homeland to gain peace here and calm in the soul, someone spits, remembering a two-week batch tour on one of the local beaches. Let's try to figure out what all the advantages and cons of Goa and whether it is worth going here.

Rest in Goa: for and against 9180_1



At that time, when the rain, snow, blizzards, in the distant Goa are dry, sunny, ocean, in the spanners of the same sixth of the Sushi. And how to fascinately meet the New Year under the palm tree, plus 30 and without rains.


Some beaches, mainly in South Goa, are like heaven, a dream and advertising "Bounty" at the same time. Golden sand, palm trees, framing the beach strip, lack of people and rustling under the side of the ocean - all this is extremely attractive for the town-dweller exhausted by gray everyday life. In North Goa, the beaches are more crowded - but you can also find a paradise corner, chosen only by your.


Shrimps, lobsters, octopuses, all kinds of fish - all the freshest, just from the sea, with delicious local spices - Goan cuisine is just a fairy tale. We can drink all this can be delicious juice from ripe fruit, juicy and fragrant. For vegetarians, one of the best places on the ground is, it is delicious, inexpensive, diverse and find a cafe with vegetarian dishes is easier than homeland to the great post.

Yoga, Ayurveda and Spiritual Practices

It is here that you can go through a course of yoga, recreation massage, work with chakras or open the third eye. Many people after Goa change - creative abilities, plans, dreams are implemented.


The legacy of Portuguese: Forts, cities, architectural monuments; Great reserves where you can get acquainted with Flora and the fauna region; Indian temples and historical structures - all this can be seen in the state of Goa. From here and excursions to Central India are possible - expensive, but extremely fascinating.

Nightlife Goa

If we talk about the night's nightlife, then the best parties are arranged on northern beaches, such as Anjuna, Vagator. Trans-party under the palm trees, dancing during the sunset - all this is extremely interesting and attractive. Here you can visit the speeches of the best global DJs - but only until midnight, at the most later - to two. In Goa, there are strict rules to limit noise at night, and the police behind this strictly follows.


Dirt and antisanitary

Dirt here everywhere: the hotels are not cleaned very clean, the cook, a cooking dish, may not be very clean hands, streets, roads, curbs (which instead of sidewalks, because there are almost no sidewalks here), on which small dirty children sleep - all this Very and very depressing. Water from the tap is also not very clean, so everything is consistently advised to brush the teeth with water from bottles and fruits wash in it. There are also horrors about malaria, diphtheria and other diseases, which even advise the vaccinations in advance. It is still a skew to the other side. The vaccinations should not be needed if the journey through Central India is not planned, the malaria in Goa is unlikely. The most common trouble here is a stomach disorder, which can be avoided by observing elementary hygienic requirements.


And rather, taxi drivers, merchants, beach fare. Here they are plentifully, and in popular beaches, especially in the north of the state, it is quite difficult to light up - too often they obscure the sun.

Rest in Goa: for and against 9180_2


It so happened that Goan food is a plus, and minus. Tasty unusually. But always done with clean hands and in sterile conditions. And the ice that is added to the drinks is extremely rarely from bottled water. But these aspects are more relate to higher minus - about the absence of hygiene and antisanitarian. There is in Indian food and another nuance - it is so atypical for our body, the spices used here are so far from ours that her stomach can simply not take it.

Complexity with public transport

Taxi in Goa is notabled, and the distances are not small. Buses, of course, type, there are, and walk on a specific route, and even sometimes on schedule. But to understand where you can take a bus where it goes, because there are plates on Hindi, but there are no duplicate inscriptions in English. All this causes a rather big difficulty among holidaymakers, and they are solved simply - renting motorbikes. Someone knows how to ride them, someone - not very, the Indian roads are not very good, they run on them randomly, the rule here is one - who first swept the mark, that and the rights, clashes are not only due to the fantastic intuition of the Hindus. In a word, when our compatriot sits in India on a bike, even knowing how to ride it, it's not a fact that he will not return to his homeland without bruises, encouraged knees and elbows, or even on crutches.

A sufficiently long flight

People who love flights, a very small percentage. The rest suffer, because in a different way, at least in India, in no way. To fly from Russia in Goa - about 6-7 hours depending on the region, sometimes with an additional landing. Flights are mainly carried out by charter companies on old, bunk airplanes.

About money

Money is still a separate item, it cannot be attributed to neither plus or in minus. Someone will be life in the Southern Goa Luxury Hotel, ride on excursions to the Golden Triangle and dinner in the most luxurious coast restaurants. Someone will remove in the Arambole in a pair of kilometers from the sea a room for 300-400 rupees for two, there will be a tortillas or fruits from the markets and study the charms of India on the rented bike. In Goa, you can relax both very expensive and quite fiscal. But over the years, the situation changes, of course, towards expensive.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer whether to fly to Goa. Probably one should not go here only to families with young children: due to unsanitary conditions, nutrition and long flight. All the rest should be thinking. Perhaps it is here, in mysterious India, someone will understand what is the meaning of his life, someone will discover new talents, and someone will lead new friends.

Rest in Goa: for and against 9180_3

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