Where to go to Ryazan and what to see?


Ryazan is one of the oldest cities of our country. The first mention in the annals falls for 1301, and the official date of the foundation is 1095. For many years of history, Ryazan was subjected to destruction several times, survived the Tatar-Mongol invasion and gave the shelter to many residents of the country during the war of 1812. Having survived the Great Patriotic War, the city began to rejuvenate again and gradually turned into a major center of Russia, at least its European part.

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You have a working trip to Ryazan and you are sad to foresee a business trip, thinking that there is nothing to take yourself? Or traveling in Russia, do you doubt whether you need to travel to this city, if your road runs through it? The answer is definitely positive! Ryazan is really worth it! And boring in this city you will not be for sure.

Sights in the city is enough, and if you seize the Ryazan region, then in a few days I can not cope. Acquaintance with the city is better to start with his pride - this is Kremlin (Stop "Pl. Cathedral" to drive at Trolleybus No. 1 or Railbesting No. 41), built on the place where an ancient fortress was originally located.

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More recently, there was a launch and everywhere there was neurozhness, but now this architectural complex is magnifyingly before the gaze of a shocked tourist. The territory is very small, but the tranquility reigning here and some unexplanting atmosphere plunges you into the past. Inside the ensemble are museums and souvenir shops. If you go down from the hill, you will go to the pier with which in the summer almost every hour goes walking boats. If you have time, buy a ticket and ride across the oke.

Ryazan land is generally rich in churches, cathedrals and monasteries. One of the most beautiful cathedrals is Assumption Cathedral located on the territory of the Kremlin. In addition to beauty, the pride of the cathedral is the iconostasis - the highest in Russia.

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The cathedral, like most other religious structures of our country, in the years of the revolution became only a building, in which there was a planetarium periodically, and later there were various exhibitions. Agree, this is not the worst thing that could happen to the temple. Often, the churches did barns, stables or destroyed at all. But the Assumption Cathedral surrendered and was again covered in 1992. The Assumption Cathedral is open only in the summer, in the winter to get into it will not succeed.

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On the territory of the Kremlin there are 4 more cathedrals, 4 churches and 1 chapel. All of them belong to 15-17 centuries, except for the chapel built in 1995 to the celebration of the 900-year anniversary of Ryazan.

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Try to "lay down" to a visit to this historical and architectural complex. There is more time to be able to be able to walk and penetrate the antiquity and the greatness of this place.

Ryazan museums also deserve to pay time to them. State Regional Art Museum. I.P.Phozalostina (Ul. Freedom, D.57) - this is a kind of Ryazan "Tretyakovka". Everything is fine here! Starting from the building in which the museum is located - the manor of the Ryumin merchant - a monumental building, very suitable for the museum of this kind and ending the exposition itself. In 2013, the museum celebrated the age-old anniversary. The names of the artists exposed in the halls know every schoolboy: Surikov, Aivazovsky, Vrubel, Shishkin, Levitan and many others. Several icons of 15-16 centuries are presented, as well as a collection of wooden sculpture. The price of a ticket is just funny - 60 rubles. You can order a guide for an additional fee. In this museum you understand how important this exhibitions are available to a person with any prosperity, especially families with children to form a feeling of beautiful. Next to the museum sells souvenir products - postcards and albums.

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Museum of the history of airborne troops (Seminarskaya, 20) will be interesting not only to those who are associated with these troops or passed to the urgent service, but also just inquisitive people. This can be said about Museum of long aviation (Ul. Belakova, V / h 41521). Exposions present documents, awards, weapons.

There are several memorial complexes in the city: Victims of political repression and Victims of the Chernobyl catastrophe . Places very touch the soul. To go past them will not work, it will definitely want to stop and honor the memory of the dead people.

To those who are interested in history, you can ride to the settlement Old Ryazan - The place where the settlement is located, actively studied by archaeologists. The city was destroyed in 1237. Now it's just a field with the remains of old foundations and an ancient shaft. Before the trip, it is better to get acquainted with information on the Internet to have an idea of ​​what the old town looked. Then you will not be afraid of disappointment, and if you manage to face archaeologists, you may be allowed to look at the work of these people, digging our past. You can get by bus Ryazan - Isada. And there is already to ask local, or as part of an organized excursion.

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In Ryazan, the ancient city intertwined the epochs. Vintage buildings, modern supermarkets, quiet streets and lively highways. Here everything is saturated with a centuries-old history. So if you have the honor of Visit this city, delight and get at the computer to plan your route by Ryazan

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