Where to go in the hair and what to see?


Hair (Greek όόλος) - a city that lies at the foot of the Centaur Mountain (Pilion), on the Aegean Coast and is one of the largest sea centers of Greece.

Geographically, the hair is very successful: approximately in the middle between the two largest cities of Greece. The distance from the Volos to Athens is approximately 300 kilometers, and a little more than 200 kilometers to thessalonik.

This is a relatively young city, founded at the beginning of the XIX century as a seaport. This is one of the newest cities of Greece. However, this region (Fessiona) was settled since ancient times, in connection with which it is considerable interest for archaeologists. The city has a complex story and, despite its geographical position, he remained outside the borders of the Greek state for some time. Directly with the Greece of the hair (as well as I was all the Fessiona) was reunited only in 1881. Currently, modern buildings are significantly dominated in the architecture of the hair, which is not very typical for Greece.

Attractions as those in the hair are not very much. But there is something to see what.

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There are several museums in the hair.

The most popular and interesting of them - Archaeological Museum Located on Afanasaki Street (Athanasaki), 1. It is a very pretty building in neoclassical style. The museum is open from Thursday to Sunday from 8:30 to 15:00, the cost of a ticket is low and is 2 euros.

The exposition of the museum is huge and diverse. It contains many items, starting with the Paleolithic era. Various exhibits and artifacts brightly reveal the historical development of Fessenia and prehistoric Greece. The objects of antiquity and unique relics are really a lot. Of particular interest among visitors is the hall in which there are jewelry and household items of the neolithic era with excavations in Dimini and Sesklo (which are considered the most ancient settlements in Europe).

The following exhibits are also interesting: the model of the Mycean Chariot, the gold necklace (presumably manufactured at 3000-2000 BC), very beautiful amphora from Soros (IV century BC) and not only that. Listed everything is just stupid - you need to come and see everything yourself.

And this is not the limit. The collection of ancient artifacts is constantly updated. Indeed, only in the county of the Volos is carried out more than ten excavations.

Currently, the Archaeological Museum of Volos is among the top ten Museums of Greece. I read that in the museum for students of the elementary school of Volos organized the most interesting educational program, which is called "Neolithic culture: Dimini and Sello". Probably very informative for children.

In addition to archaeological, in the hair there is still an entomological museum, typography museums and industry history. True, none of them did not bother.

There is still a municipal gallery in the city. It is located in the city hall. The exhibits of the municipal gallery are the creations of painting and sculptures of modern Greek painters and sculptors. In general, it is pretty and interesting.

Also in the hair is the theater with a symphony orchestra (but these are official data, we have not seen it).

The sights of the Volos also include the University of Fessiona and a monument to the fighters of Greek resistance in Tsangarade.

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Archaeologists began to explore hair and surroundings at the end of the XIX century. In the process of work, scientists managed to dig up the city walls (old town) and various buildings, including several ancient temples (beautiful floors from mosaic were well preserved). One of the most interesting places you can see is an ancient Agora, as well as a Volos Castle, which was built in the middle of the 6th century.

Interesting sights of Volos are old mansions of the XIX century, built in neoclassical style (in general, then everything was built in the city in such a style).

Church of St. Constantine (Agiu Konstantin), Church of St. Nicholas (Agiu Nicolau), Metamorfosis Cathedral (Other Name - Transfiguration Cathedral) and the Church of the Holy Trinity (Agias Triadas), which is located in the Anavros region.

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I do not know why, but the Hair Guides advanate to watch the Bearen Velendzas, on the walls of which there are paintings of the Greek People's Artist Theofilos, Municipal Library and House-Museum of Kitzos Makris. Hands (that is, legs, before that also did not reach).

The surroundings of the Volos also replete attractions.

A small hill of the garde is a little east of the hair (the height of only 200 meters). At the top of this hill stands Church of the life-giving source . From here, it opens just a stunning view of the city and the port.

South of the Bay of Volos is one of the most important ancient cities - Dimitriada . This city was settled in the ancient times (the era of Neolith), and is known for its cultural heritage. In the process of excavations, the ruins of the Tsarist Palace, the Basilica Damokratias, an ancient theater, as well as the ruins of the ancient Roman aqueduct were found in this place.

In 5 kilometers from the hair in the area of ​​the village of Dimini, antiquities can visit the excavation of an ancient settlement Diminios. . More precisely, these are remnants from the settlement of the times of Neolithic. On the south side of the hill there is already a myxal settlement. Here are two tombs and a palace complex (this part is closed for visiting). According to the assumptions of archaeologists, it is this mynamental settlement that is an ancient IOLKOS (and perhaps it is part of it). For those who do not know or forgot, I will tell you that IOLKOS is the birthplace of the legendary Jason.

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No less important are excavations on the Kastra hill, in 8 kilometers of the West. Here archaeologists managed to detect Sellos - One of the most ancient settlements in Europe. It is believed that Sirlos was settled back from 7,000 to 3000 BC. A large number of exhibits of the era of the Neolithic, which can be seen in the Archaeological Museum of Volos, was found in the process of SKLOX excavations.

In the other direction (towards Athens), in the town Nea-Anhialos. Examined excavations immediately in several parts of the city. There you can see the ruins of two early Christian basil, as well as an ancient cemetery and tombstones with sarcophagi.

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Finally, I describe, perhaps the most important (in my opinion) the domain of a hair.

On the site of modern hair, from ancient times was the port (IOLKOS). From here, ships were always sent to swimming in the seas and oceans. But only one of them was forever entered the story of not only the hair, but also the whole eleventory. The name of this ship - "Argo" . In fact, it is from the Volos that the famous Argonauts, headed by Jason and including Hercules, sailed to a distant colchid in search of a golden rune.

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Currently, on the outskirts of the hair in the territory protected by Italians moored Copy of "Argo" In full size and built according to the technology of those times. "Argo" was erected at one of the shipyards in Italy. Using the desired number of rowers with its own run "Argo" and sailed in the hair (in my opinion, in 2006). I can not say for sure, let all or not, but they were let down. And absolutely free. The ship itself is true, it is impossible to rise. But without it, to see with its own eyes "Argo", believe me, it stands expensive.

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