Why do tourists choose Similan?


100 kilometers south of forever noisy, bright and never unquesting Phuket is the National Reserve - Similan Islands or Similan Islands. The name happened from the number of islands - translated from the local Thai dialect - 9.

Similans are wild and untouched nature. Recently, the construction of the Bungal began here, but the Thais fit into general landscape so much, which is created atmosphere of life Robinson Cruzo.

Why do tourists choose Similan? 9159_1

Going to Similans you need to understand where and why are you going (although this expression will be appropriate when planning any rest). The fact is that there is nothing to do on the islands. From the active recreation here only snorcling and diving, but what! Skates, sharks, a variety of fancy colors and forms, crabs, octopus and magnificent corals.

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The most attractive is the island under the sequence number 8. Here, huge stones and caves create bizarre corridors, which are hung up with their mysteriousness. The only minus - you can get into a strong course, so in this place it is better to dive divers with experience.

Well, for beginners in diving or simply lovers spend time, watching fish, with a mask and a tube, the rest of the islands will come to the soul, where it is often possible to see a turtle or barracud. There are practically no currents here, so you can not worry and calmly sail from the islands in search of impressions or an exciting underwater photo.

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The time settled on the excursion flies unnoticed, but you can buy a tour with accommodation for several nights. And so, when the crowds of tourists are kicked, you can only be, a snow-white beach, the endless ocean and the impassable jungle. It is better, of course, to spend on the islands at least night to admire the magnificent sunset and fall asleep under the noise of the waves, and in the morning it is early to go on snark.

The housing offered on the islands is not distinguished by a special delight. Often, this is either ordinary tents or bungalows. There are no bathrooms, like private toilets - everything is common. Electricity is only in the dark time of day from 6 pm to 6 in the morning. There are no special amenities, but they are not going to the island.

Why do tourists choose Similan? 9159_4

Sophisticated divers or lovers of luxury villains are hardly suitable. Someone will say that the underwater world is not very rich, someone will come to the disorder from the scarce of placement. But to visit this national park is definitely worth it. To admire that beauty that is capable of creating only nature and relax from the noise of many-voiced Thailand.

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